Oracle ACFS File System Resource Management

The Oracle ACFS file system resource is supported only for Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster configurations; it is not supported for Oracle Restart configurations. See "Oracle ACFS and Oracle Restart".

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) facilitates the creation of Oracle ACFS file system resources (ora.diskgroup.volume.acfs). During database creation with Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), the Oracle ACFS file system resource is included in the dependency list of its associated disk group so that stopping the disk group also attempts to stop any dependent Oracle ACFS file systems.

An Oracle ACFS file system resource is typically created for use with application resource dependency lists. For example, if an Oracle ACFS file system is configured for use as an Oracle Database home, then a resource created for the file system can be included in the resource dependency list of the Oracle Database application. This dependency causes the file system and stack to be automatically mounted due to the start action of the database application.

The start action for an Oracle ACFS file system resource is to mount the file system. This Oracle ACFS file system resource action includes confirming that the associated file system storage stack is active and mounting the disk group, enabling the volume file, and creating the mount point if necessary to complete the mount operation. If the file system is successfully mounted, the state of the resource is set to online; otherwise, it is set to offline.

The check action for an Oracle ACFS file system resource verifies that the file system is mounted. It sets the state of the resource to online status if mounted, otherwise the status is set to offline.

The stop action for an Oracle ACFS file system resource attempts to dismount the file system. If the file system cannot be dismounted due to open references, the stop action displays and logs the process identifiers for any processes holding a reference.

Use of the srvctl start and stop actions to manage the Oracle ACFS file system resources maintains their correct resource state.