

Extracts a file from a disk group.

Syntax and Description

amdu_extract diskgroup file_name disk_string

Table 10-30 Options for the amdu_extract command

Option Description


Name of the disk group where the file is located.


Name of the file to extract. The file name must be an Oracle ASM alias name.

The file name can be specified as an absolute or a relative path.


Value for the Oracle ASM discovery diskstring.

amdu_extract calls the Oracle ASM Metadata Dump Utility (AMDU) command to extract a file using an Oracle ASM alias name.


The following is an example of the amdu_extract command used to extract a file from the data disk group.

Example 10-39 Using the ASMCMD amdu_extract command

ASMCMD> amdu_extract data data/orcl/my_alias_filename /devices/disk*