Discovering ASM Filter Driver Disks

To discover disks for Oracle ASM Filter Driver follow these steps:

  1. From Targets menu, select All Targets.

  2. On the All Targets page, select any target of type Automatic Storage Management.

  3. On the target home page, from Automatic Storage Management menu, select Configuration Parameters.

  4. On the Configuration page, click Manage Disk Provisioning. The ASM Filter Driver Page is displayed.

  5. On the Disks available for Provisioning table, click Discover to discover additional Oracle ASM disks.

  6. In the Discover Disks dialog box, enter additional discovery paths from where you would like to provision disks. If you are providing more than one path, then ensure that the values are separated by a comma.

    For example, '/dev/','/tmp'.

  7. Click Ok.

In the Disks available for Provisioning table, all the disks available in the discovery paths are listed.