Adding Columns for Masking

Use this page to add one or more columns for masking and automatically add foreign key columns. Select the database columns you want to mask from the corresponding schema. After you select the columns, you specify the format used to mask the data within.


You need to add at least one column in the masking definition. Otherwise, you cannot generate a script that creates an impact report that provides information about the objects and resources examined and lists details of any warnings or errors detected.

  1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

    The sensitive columns you defined in the ADM appear in the table below.

  2. Either select one or more columns for later formatting on the Create Masking Definition page, or formatting now if the data types of the columns you have selected are identical.

  3. Optional: if you want to mask selected columns as a group, enable Mask selected columns as a group. The columns that you want to mask as a group must all be from the same table.

    Enable this check box if you want to mask more than one column together, rather than separately. When you select two or more columns and then later define the format on the Define Group Mask page, the columns appear together, and any choices you make for format type or masking table apply collectively to all of the columns.

    After you define the group and return to this page, the Column Group column in the table shows an identical number for each entry row in the table for all members of the group. For example, if you have defined your first group containing four columns, each of the four entries in this page will show a number 1 in the Column Group column. If you define another group, the entries in the page will show the number 2, and so forth. This helps you to distinguish which columns belong to which column groups.

  4. Either click Add to add the column to the masking definition, return to the Create Masking Definition page and define the format of the column later, or click Define Format and Add to define the format for the column now.

    The Define Format and Add feature can save you significant time. When you select multiple columns to add that have the same data type, you do not need to define the format for each column as you would when you click Add. For instance, if you search for Social Security numbers (SSN) and the search yields 100 SSN columns, you could select them all, then click Define Format and Add to import the SSN format for all of them.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you clicked Add in the previous step:

      You will eventually need to define the format of the column in the Create Masking Definition page before you can continue. When you are ready to do so, click the icon in the page Format column for the column you want to format. Depending on whether you decided to mask selected columns as a group on the Add Columns page, either the Define Column mask or Define Group mask appears. Read further in this step for instructions for both cases.

    • If you clicked Define Format and Add in the previous step and did not check Mask selected columns as a group:

      The Define Column Mask page appears, where you can define the format for the column before adding the column to the Create Masking Definition page, as explained below:

      • Provide a format entry for the required Default condition by either selecting a format entry from the list and clicking Add, or clicking Import Format, selecting a predefined format on the Import Format page, then clicking Import.

        The Import Format page displays the formats that are marked with the same sensitive type as the masked column.

      • Add another condition by clicking Add Condition to add a new condition row, then provide one or more format entries as described in the previous step.

      • When you have finished formatting the column, click OK to return to the Create Masking Definition page.

    • If you clicked Define Format and Add in the previous step and checked Mask selected columns as a group:

      The Define Group Mask page appears, where you can add format entries for group columns that appear in the Create Masking Definition page, as explained below:

      • Select one of the available format types. For complete information on the format types, see the online help for the Defining the Group Masking Format topic.

      • Optionally add a column to the group.

      • When you have finished formatting the group, click OK to return to the Create Masking Definition page.

        The results appear in the Columns table. The sensitive columns you selected earlier now appear on this page. Primary key and foreign key columns appear below the sensitive columns.