Initializing Consolidated Database Replay Using APIs

This section describes how to initialize the replay data for a consolidated replay using the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY package.

Initializing the replay data performs the following operations:

  • Puts the database state in initialized mode for the replay of a consolidated workload.

  • Points to the replay directory that contains all workload captures participating in the replay schedule.

  • Loads the necessary metadata into tables required for replay.

    For example, captured connection strings are loaded into a table where they can be remapped for replay.

To initialize Consolidated Database Replay:


       replay_name    IN VARCHAR2,
       schedule_name  IN VARCHAR2);
  2. Set the replay_name parameter to the name of the consolidated replay.

  3. Set the schedule_name parameter to the name of the replay schedule to use.

    The schedule_name parameter is the name of the replay schedule used during its creation, as described in "Creating Replay Schedules Using APIs".

The following example shows how to initialize a consolidated replay named peak_replay using the replay schedule named peak_schedule.


See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the INITIALIZE_CONSOLIDATED_REPLAY procedure