Deterministic Masking Using the Substitute Format

You may occasionally need to consistently mask multiple, distinct databases. For instance, if you run HR, payroll, and benefits that have an employee ID concept on three separate databases, the concept may be consistent for all of these databases, in that an employee's ID can be selected to retrieve the employee's HR, payroll, or benefits information. Based on this premise, if you were to mask the employee's ID because it actually contains his/her social security number, you would have to mask this consistently across all three databases.

Deterministic masking provides a solution for this problem. You can use the Substitute format to mask employee ID column(s) in all three databases. The Substitute format uses a table of values from which to substitute the original value with a mask value. As long as this table of values does not change, the mask is deterministic or consistent across the three databases.

See Also:

The online help for Define Column Mask page for more information on the Substitute format