The RC_RESTORE_RANGE view contains details about the restore range of databases registered in the recovery catalog. Because a database can have multiple restore ranges, this view can contain multiple rows for a single database.

This view corresponds to the V$RESTORE_RANGE view.

Column Data Type Description
DB_KEY NUMBER The unique database identifier.
SITE_KEY NUMBER The primary key of the database site that is associated with this restore range. Each database in a Data Guard environment has a unique SITE_KEY value. You can use the SITE_KEY in join with the RC_SITE view to obtain the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the database.
LOW_TIME DATE The earliest time to which the database can be restored.
HIGH_TIME DATE The latest time to which the database can be restored.
LOW_SCN NUMBER The lowest SCN to which the database can be restored.
HIGH_SCN NUMBER The highest SCN to which the database can be restored.
LOW_DBINC_KEY NUMBER The primary key for the incarnation of the database to which LOW_SCN belongs.
HIGH_DBINC_KEY NUMBER The primary key for the incarnation of the database to which HIGH_SCN belongs.