displays information about all comparison objects in the database.
Related View
displays information about the comparison objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Owner of the comparison |
Name of the comparison |
Mode of the comparison:
Schema name of the local object |
Name of the local object |
Type of the local object:
Schema name of the remote object |
Name of the remote object |
Type of the remote object:
Database link name to the remote database |
Scan mode of the comparison: FULL
Scan percent of the comparison; applicable to random and cyclic modes |
Last index column value used in a cyclic scan |
Value to use for NULL columns |
Local Streams tag used while performing converge DMLs |
Remote Streams tag used while performing converge DMLs |
Suggested maximum number of buckets in a scan |
Suggested minimum number of rows in a bucket |
Time that this row was last updated |
See Also: