A Troubleshooting Oracle Real Application Clusters Installations

This appendix provides troubleshooting information for installing Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). It contains the following sections:

See Also:

The Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Oracle Real Application Clusters documentation set:

A.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Real Application Clusters Installations

This section contains the following topics:

A.1.1 General Installation Issues

The following is a list of examples of the types of errors that can occur during installation. It contains the following issues:

An error occurred while trying to get the disks
Cause: There is an entry in /etc/oratab pointing to a non-existent Oracle home. The OUI error file should show the following error: "java.io.IOException: /home/oracle/OraHome//bin/kfod: not found"
Action: Remove the entry in /etc/oratab pointing to a non-existing Oracle home.
Failed to connect to server, Connection refused by server, or Can't open display
Cause: These are typical of X Window display errors on Windows or UNIX systems, where xhost is not properly configured.
Action: In a local terminal window, log in as the user that started the X Window session, and enter the following command:

$ xhost fully_qualified_remote_host_name

For example:

$ xhost somehost.example.com

Then, enter the following commands, where workstation_name is the host name or IP address of your workstation.

Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

$ DISPLAY=workstation_name:0.0
$ export DISPLAY

To determine if X Window applications display correctly on the local system, enter the following command:

$ xclock

The X clock should appear on your monitor. If this fails, then use of the xhost command may be restricted on the server.

If you are using a VNC client to access the server, then ensure that you are accessing the visual that is assigned to the user that you are trying to use for the installation. For example, if you used the su command to become the installation owner on another user visual, and the xhost command use is restricted, then you cannot use the xhost command to change the display. If you use the visual assigned to the installation owner, then the correct display is available, and entering the xclock command displays the X clock.

Nodes unavailable for selection from the OUI Node Selection screen
Cause: Oracle Clusterware is either not installed, or the Oracle Clusterware services are not up and running.
Action: Install Oracle Clusterware, or review the status of your Oracle Clusterware. Consider restarting the nodes, as doing so may resolve the problem.
Node nodename is unreachable
Cause: Unavailable IP host
Action: Attempt the following:
  1. Run the command ifconfig -a. Compare the output of this command with the contents of the /etc/hosts file to ensure that the node IP is listed.

  2. Run the command nslookup to see if the host is reachable.

  3. As the oracle user, attempt to connect to the node with ssh or rsh. If you are prompted for a password, then user equivalence is not set up properly. Contact your system administrator, or consult Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for your platform to complete SSH configuration.

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system.
Cause: Insufficient memory to support SGA and PGA sizes
Action: Ask your system administrator to increase the shared memory file system (for example, on Linux, increase /dev/shm).
PRKP-1001: Error starting instance
Cause: Missing ODBC Driver Manager. Associated message is CRS-0215: Could not start resource.
Action: Clean up installation, download and install the ODBC driver from http://www.unixodbc.org, and restart the installation. This is a requirement for Oracle RAC databases, documented in system requirements in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for your platform.
Time stamp is in the future
Cause: One or more nodes has a different clock time than the local node. If this is the case, then you may see output similar to the following:
time stamp 2005-04-04 14:49:49 is 106 s in the future
Action: Ensure that all member nodes of the cluster have the same clock time.
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
Cause: This error can occur during postinstallation testing when a node public network interconnect is pulled out, and the VIP does not fail over. Instead, the node hangs, and users are unable to log in to the system. This error occurs when the Oracle home, listener.ora, Oracle log files, or any action scripts are located on an NAS device or NFS mount, and the name service cache daemon nscd has not been activated.
Action: Enter the following command on all nodes in the cluster to start the nscd service:
/sbin/service  nscd start

A.1.2 Oracle RAC Installation Error Messages

Note that the user performing the Oracle RAC installation must have membership both in the oinstall group and the OSDBA group (typically oinstall and dba). If this is not the case, then the installation will fail

A.1.3 Performing Cluster Diagnostics During Oracle Clusterware Installations

If Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) does not display the Node Selection page, then perform clusterware diagnostics by running the olsnodes -v command from the binary directory in your Oracle Clusterware home (Grid_home/bin on Linux and UNIX-based systems), and analyzing its output. Refer to your clusterware documentation if the detailed output indicates that your clusterware is not running.

In addition, use the following command syntax to check the integrity of the Cluster Manager:

cluvfy comp clumgr -n node_list -verbose

In the preceding syntax example, the variable node_list is the list of nodes in your cluster, separated by commas.

A.1.4 Reviewing the Log of an Installation Session

During an installation, Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) records all of the actions that it performs in a log file. If you encounter problems during the installation, then review the log file for information about possible causes of the problem.

To view the log file, follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, enter the following command to determine the location of the oraInventory directory:

    $ cat /opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
    $ cat /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
  2. Enter the following command to determine the name of the log file:

    $ ls -ltr

    This command lists the files in the order of creation, with the most recent file shown last. Installer log files have names similar to the following, where date_time indicates the date and time that the installation started:


    To view the most recent entries in the log file, where information about a problem is most likely to appear, enter a command similar to the following:

    $ tail -50 installActions2007-07-20_09-53-22AM.log | more

    This command displays the last 50 lines in the log file, and enables you to page through them.

    If the error displayed by Oracle Universal Installer or listed in the log file indicates a relinking problem, then refer to the following file for more information:


A.1.5 Configuration Assistant Errors

To troubleshoot an installation error that occurs when a configuration assistant is running:

Review the installation log files listed in the section""Reviewing the Log of an Installation Session".

Review the specific configuration assistant log file located in the Oracle RAC installation owner Oracle base directory, in the path $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs. Try to fix the issue that caused the error.

If you see the "Fatal Error. Reinstall" message, then look for the cause of the problem by reviewing the log files. Refer to the section "Resolving Irrecoverable Errors Reported by Configuration Assistants" for further instructions.

This section contains the following topics:

A.1.5.1 Configuration Assistant Failures

Oracle configuration assistant failures are noted at the bottom of the installation screen. The configuration assistant interface displays additional information, if available. The configuration assistant execution status is stored in the following file:


More details about errors related to the configuration assistant can be found in the following directory:


The Oracle base directory is the Oracle base for the Oracle RAC installation owner. Completion status codes are listed in the following table:

Status Result Code 
Configuration assistant succeeded 0 
Configuration assistant failed 1 
Configuration assistant cancelled -1 

A.1.5.2 Resolving Irrecoverable Errors Reported by Configuration Assistants

If you receive an irrecoverable (fatal) error while a configuration assistant is running, then you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Remove the failed installation as described in Section A.3, "Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation".

  2. Correct the cause of the irrecoverable error.

  3. Reinstall the Oracle software.

A.2 About Using CVU Cluster Healthchecks After Installation

Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g Release 2 ( and later, you can use the CVU healthcheck command option to check your Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database installations for their compliance with mandatory requirements and best practices guidelines, and to check to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Use the following syntax to run the healthcheck command option:

cluvfy comp healthcheck [-collect {cluster|database}] [-db db_unique_name]
[-bestpractice|-mandatory] [-deviations] [-html] [-save] [-savedir directory_path]

For example:

$ cd /home/grid/cvu_home/bin
$ ./cluvfy comp healthcheck -collect cluster -bestpractice -deviations -html

The options are:

  • -collect [cluster|database]

    Use this flag to specify that you want to perform checks for Oracle Clusterware (cluster) or Oracle Database (database). If you do not use the collect flag with the healthcheck option, then cluvfy comp healthcheck performs checks for both Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database.

  • -db db_unique_name

    Use this flag to specify checks on the database unique name that you enter after the db flag.

    CVU uses JDBC to connect to the database as the user cvusys to verify various database parameters. For this reason, if you want checks to be performed for the database you specify with the -db flag, then you must first create the cvusys user on that database, and grant that user the CVU-specific role, cvusapp. You must also grant members of the cvusapp role select permissions on system tables.A SQL script is included in CVU_home/cv/admin/cvusys.sql to facilitate the creation of this user. Use this SQL script to create the cvusys user on all the databases that you want to verify using CVU.

    If you use the db flag but do not provide a database unique name, then CVU discovers all the Oracle Databases on the cluster. To perform best practices checks on these databases, you must create the cvusys user on each database, and grant that user the cvusapp role with the select privileges needed to perform the best practice checks.

  • [-bestpractice | -mandatory] [-deviations]

    Use the bestpractice flag to specify best practice checks, and the mandatory flag to specify mandatory checks. Add the deviations flag to specify that you want to see only the deviations from either the best practice recommendations or the mandatory requirements. You can specify either the -bestpractice or -mandatory flag, but not both flags. If you specify neither -bestpractice or -mandatory, then both best practices and mandatory requirements are displayed.

  • -html

    Use the html flag to generate a detailed report in HTML format.

    If you specify the html flag, and a browser CVU recognizes is available on the system, then the browser is started and the report is displayed on the browser when the checks are complete.

    If you do not specify the html flag, then the detailed report is generated in a text file.

  • -save [-savedir dir_path]

    Use the save or -save -savedir flags to save validation reports (cvuchecdkreport_timestamp.txt and cvucheckreport_timestamp.htm), where timestamp is the time and date of the validation report.

    If you use the save flag by itself, then the reports are saved in the path CVU_home/cv/report, where CVU_home is the location of the CVU binaries.

    If you use the flags -save -savedir, and enter a path where you want the CVU reports saved, then the CVU reports are saved in the path you specify.

A.3 Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation

If an installation fails, then you must remove the Oracle home directory and remove all files that OUI created during the attempted installation. Perform the following steps to clean up the failed installation:

  1. Follow the instructions in Chapter 8, "Removing Oracle Real Application Clusters Software" to run OUI to deinstall Oracle RAC.

  2. Manually remove the directory that was used as the Oracle home directory during the installation.

After you have completed these steps, you can start the installation again.