In a CDB, the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view and its associated functions are restricted to the root database. Several new columns exist in V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS in support of CDBs:

  • CON_ID - contains the ID associated with the container from which the query is executed. Because V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS is restricted to the root database, this column returns a value of 1 when a query is done on a CDB.

  • SRC_CON_NAME - the PDB name. This information is available only when mining is performed with a current LogMiner dictionary.

  • SRC_CON_ID - the container ID of the PDB that generated the redo record. This information is available with or without a dictionary.

  • SRC_CON_DBID - the PDB identifier. This information is available only when mining is performed with a current LogMiner dictionary.

  • SRC_CON_GUID - contains the GUID associated with the PDB. This information is available only when mining is performed with a current LogMiner dictionary.

In situations where the information is not meaningful, these columns may not always have values returned. When mining takes place in a non-CDB, the SRC_CON_xxx columns are NULL.