Default: The default is that there is no optional field enclosure character.


The OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY parameter specifies an optional field enclosure character.

Syntax and Description

OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=['char'| x'hex-char']

The enclosure character must be a single character. It can be in hexadecimal notation.


  • The same character must be used to signify both the beginning and the ending of the enclosure.


The following example specifies the optional enclosure character as a double quotation mark ("). The backslash escape character (\) is not necessary if the parameter is in a parameter file instead of on the command line.

> sqlldr hr TABLE=employees OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY='\"'

The following example specifies the optional enclosure character in hexadecimal format. The double quotation marks are not necessary if the parameter is in a parameter file instead of on the command line.

> sqlldr hr TABLE=employees OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY="x'22'"