Default: The default is that there is no optional field enclosure character.
parameter specifies an optional field enclosure character.
Syntax and Description
OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=['char'| x'hex-char']
The enclosure character must be a single character. It can be in hexadecimal notation.
The same character must be used to signify both the beginning and the ending of the enclosure.
The following example specifies the optional enclosure character as a double quotation mark ("). The backslash escape character (\) is not necessary if the parameter is in a parameter file instead of on the command line.
> sqlldr hr TABLE=employees OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY='\"'
The following example specifies the optional enclosure character in hexadecimal format. The double quotation marks are not necessary if the parameter is in a parameter file instead of on the command line.
> sqlldr hr TABLE=employees OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY="x'22'"