About Packaging Incidents

Packaging incidents is a three-step process:

Step 1: Create a logical incident package.

The incident package (package) is denoted as logical because it exists only as metadata in the automatic diagnostic repository (ADR). It has no content until you generate a physical package from the logical package. The logical package is assigned a package number, and you refer to it by that number in subsequent commands.

You can create the logical package as an empty package, or as a package based on an incident number, a problem number, a problem key, or a time interval. If you create the package as an empty package, you can add diagnostic information to it in step 2.

Creating a package based on an incident means including diagnostic data—dumps, health monitor reports, and so on—for that incident. Creating a package based on a problem number or problem key means including in the package diagnostic data for incidents that reference that problem number or problem key. Creating a package based on a time interval means including diagnostic data on incidents that occurred in the time interval.

Step 2: Add diagnostic information to the incident package

If you created a logical package based on an incident number, a problem number, a problem key, or a time interval, this step is optional. You can add additional incidents to the package or you can add any file within the ADR to the package. If you created an empty package, you must use ADRCI commands to add incidents or files to the package.

Step 3: Generate the physical incident package

When you submit the command to generate the physical package, ADRCI gathers all required diagnostic files and adds them to a zip file in a designated directory. You can generate a complete zip file or an incremental zip file. An incremental file contains all the diagnostic files that were added or changed since the last zip file was created for the same logical package. You can create incremental files only after you create a complete file, and you can create as many incremental files as you want. Each zip file is assigned a sequence number so that the files can be analyzed in the correct order.

Zip files are named according to the following scheme:



  • packageName consists of a portion of the problem key followed by a timestamp

  • mode is either COM or INC, for complete or incremental

  • sequence is an integer

For example, if you generate a complete zip file for a logical package that was created on September 6, 2006 at 4:53 p.m., and then generate an incremental zip file for the same logical package, you would create files with names similar to the following:
