You can improve the performance of direct path loads by presorting your data on indexed columns. Presorting minimizes temporary storage requirements during the load. Presorting also enables you to take advantage of high-performance sorting routines that are optimized for your operating system or application.
If the data is presorted and the existing index is not empty, then presorting minimizes the amount of temporary segment space needed for the new keys. The sort routine appends each new key to the key list.
Instead of requiring extra space for sorting, only space for the keys is needed. To calculate the amount of storage needed, use a sort factor of 1.0 instead of 1.3. For more information about estimating storage requirements, see "Temporary Segment Storage Requirements".
If presorting is specified and the existing index is empty, then maximum efficiency is achieved. The new keys are simply inserted into the index. Instead of having a temporary segment and new index existing simultaneously with the empty, old index, only the new index exists. So, temporary storage is not required, and time is saved.
clause identifies the indexes on which the data is presorted. This clause is allowed only for direct path loads. See case study 6, Loading Data Using the Direct Path Load Method, for an example. (See "SQL*Loader Case Studies" for information on how to access case studies.)
Generally, you specify only one index in the SORTED
clause, because data that is sorted for one index is not usually in the right order for another index. When the data is in the same order for multiple indexes, however, all indexes can be specified at once.
All indexes listed in the SORTED
clause must be created before you start the direct path load.
If you specify an index in the SORTED
clause, and the data is not sorted for that index, then the index is left in an Index Unusable state at the end of the load. The data is present, but any attempt to use the index results in an error. Any index that is left in an Index Unusable state must be rebuilt after the load.
If you specify a multiple-column index in the SORTED
clause, then the data should be sorted so that it is ordered first on the first column in the index, next on the second column in the index, and so on.
For example, if the first column of the index is city, and the second column is last name; then the data should be ordered by name within each city, as in the following list:
Albuquerque Adams Albuquerque Hartstein Albuquerque Klein ... ... Boston Andrews Boston Bobrowski Boston Heigham ... ...
For the best overall performance of direct path loads, you should presort the data based on the index that requires the most temporary segment space. For example, if the primary key is one numeric column, and the secondary key consists of three text columns, then you can minimize both sort time and storage requirements by presorting on the secondary key.
To determine the index that requires the most storage space, use the following procedure: