Steps in a Typical LogMiner Session

This section describes the steps in a typical LogMiner session. Each step is described in its own subsection.

  1. Enable Supplemental Logging
  2. Extract a LogMiner Dictionary (unless you plan to use the online catalog)
  3. Specify Redo Log Files for Analysis
  4. Start LogMiner
  5. Typical LogMiner Session Task 5: Query V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
  6. End the LogMiner Session

To run LogMiner, you use the DBMS_LOGMNR PL/SQL package. Additionally, you might also use the DBMS_LOGMNR_D package if you choose to extract a LogMiner dictionary rather than use the online catalog.

The DBMS_LOGMNR package contains the procedures used to initialize and run LogMiner, including interfaces to specify names of redo log files, filter criteria, and session characteristics. The DBMS_LOGMNR_D package queries the database dictionary tables of the current database to create a LogMiner dictionary file.

The LogMiner PL/SQL packages are owned by the SYS schema. Therefore, if you are not connected as user SYS, then: