Default: system-generated name of the form SYS_<IMPORT or SQLFILE>_<mode>_NN


The job name is used to identify the import job in subsequent actions, such as when the ATTACH parameter is used to attach to a job, or to identify the job via the DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS or USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS views.

Syntax and Description


The jobname_string specifies a name of up to 30 bytes for this import job. The bytes must represent printable characters and spaces. If spaces are included, then the name must be enclosed in single quotation marks (for example, 'Thursday Import'). The job name is implicitly qualified by the schema of the user performing the import operation. The job name is used as the name of the master table, which controls the export job.

The default job name is system-generated in the form SYS_IMPORT_mode_NN or SYS_SQLFILE_mode_NN, where NN expands to a 2-digit incrementing integer starting at 01. An example of a default name is 'SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_02'.


The following is an example of using the JOB_NAME parameter. You can create the expfull.dmp dump file used in this example by running the example provided for the Export FULL parameter. See "FULL".

> impdp hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=expfull.dmp JOB_NAME=impjob01