Using SQL*Loader to Load Data Across a Network

To use SQL*Loader to load data across a network connection, you can specify a connect identifier in the connect string when you start the SQL*Loader utility. This identifier can specify a database instance that is different from the current instance identified by the setting of the ORACLE_SID environment variable for the current user. The connect identifier can be an Oracle Net connect descriptor or a net service name (usually defined in the tnsnames.ora file) that maps to a connect descriptor. Use of a connect identifier requires that you have Oracle Net Listener running (to start the default listener, enter lsnrctl start). The following example starts SQL*Loader for user scott using the connect identifier inst1:

> sqlldr CONTROL=ulcase1.ctl
Username: scott@inst1
Password: password

The local SQL*Loader client connects to the database instance defined by the connect identifier inst1 (a net service name), and loads the data, as specified in the ulcase1.ctl control file.


To load data into a pluggable database (PDB), simply specify its connect identifier on the connect string when you start SQL*Loader.

See Also: