Default: current user's schema


Specifies that you want to perform a schema-mode export. This is the default mode for Export.

Syntax and Description

SCHEMAS=schema_name [, ...]

If you have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, then you can specify a single schema other than your own or a list of schema names. The DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role also allows you to export additional nonschema object information for each specified schema so that the schemas can be re-created at import time. This additional information includes the user definitions themselves and all associated system and role grants, user password history, and so on. Filtering can further restrict what is exported using schema mode (see "Filtering During Export Operations").


  • If you do not have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, then you can specify only your own schema.

  • The SYS schema cannot be used as a source schema for export jobs.


The following is an example of using the SCHEMAS parameter. Note that user hr is allowed to specify more than one schema because the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role was previously assigned to it for the purpose of these examples.

> expdp hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=expdat.dmp SCHEMAS=hr,sh,oe 

This results in a schema-mode export in which the schemas, hr, sh, and oe will be written to the expdat.dmp dump file located in the dpump_dir1 directory.