SecureFiles LOB Considerations

When you use Data Pump Export to export SecureFiles LOBs, the resulting behavior depends on several things, including the value of the Export VERSION parameter, whether ContentType is present, and whether the LOB is archived and data is cached. The following scenarios cover different combinations of these variables:

  • If a table contains SecureFiles LOBs with ContentType and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value earlier than, then the ContentType is not exported.

  • If a table contains SecureFiles LOBs with ContentType and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value of or later, then the ContentType is exported and restored on a subsequent import.

  • If a table contains a SecureFiles LOB that is currently archived and the data is cached, and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value earlier than, then the SecureFiles LOB data is exported and the archive metadata is dropped. In this scenario, if VERSION is set to 11.1 or later, then the SecureFiles LOB becomes a vanilla SecureFiles LOB. But if VERSION is set to a value earlier than 11.1, then the SecureFiles LOB becomes a BasicFiles LOB.

  • If a table contains a SecureFiles LOB that is currently archived but the data is not cached, and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value earlier than, then an ORA-45001 error is returned.

  • If a table contains a SecureFiles LOB that is currently archived and the data is cached, and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value of or later, then both the cached data and the archive metadata is exported.

See Also:

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for more information about SecureFiles