Default: expdat.dmp


Specifies the names, and optionally, the directory objects of dump files for an export job.

Syntax and Description

DUMPFILE=[directory_object:]file_name [, ...]

The directory_object is optional if one has already been established by the DIRECTORY parameter. If you supply a value here, then it must be a directory object that already exists and that you have access to. A database directory object that is specified as part of the DUMPFILE parameter overrides a value specified by the DIRECTORY parameter or by the default directory object.

You can supply multiple file_name specifications as a comma-delimited list or in separate DUMPFILE parameter specifications. If no extension is given for the file name, then Export uses the default file extension of .dmp. The file names can contain a substitution variable (%U), which implies that multiple files may be generated. The substitution variable is expanded in the resulting file names into a 2-digit, fixed-width, incrementing integer starting at 01 and ending at 99. If a file specification contains two substitution variables, both are incremented at the same time. For example, exp%Uaa%U.dmp would resolve to exp01aa01.dmp, exp02aa02.dmp, and so forth.

If the FILESIZE parameter is specified, then each dump file will have a maximum of that size and be nonextensible. If more space is required for the dump file set and a template with a substitution variable (%U) was supplied, then a new dump file is automatically created of the size specified by the FILESIZE parameter, if there is room on the device.

As each file specification or file template containing a substitution variable is defined, it is instantiated into one fully qualified file name and Export attempts to create it. The file specifications are processed in the order in which they are specified. If the job needs extra files because the maximum file size is reached, or to keep parallel workers active, then additional files are created if file templates with substitution variables were specified.

Although it is possible to specify multiple files using the DUMPFILE parameter, the export job may only require a subset of those files to hold the exported data. The dump file set displayed at the end of the export job shows exactly which files were used. It is this list of files that is required to perform an import operation using this dump file set. Any files that were not used can be discarded.


  • Any resulting dump file names that match preexisting dump file names will generate an error and the preexisting dump files will not be overwritten. You can override this behavior by specifying the Export parameter REUSE_DUMPFILES=YES.

  • Dump files created on Oracle Database 11g releases with the Data Pump parameter VERSION=12 can only be imported on Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) and later.


The following is an example of using the DUMPFILE parameter:

> expdp hr SCHEMAS=hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=dpump_dir2:exp1.dmp,
 exp2%U.dmp PARALLEL=3

The dump file, exp1.dmp, will be written to the path associated with the directory object dpump_dir2 because dpump_dir2 was specified as part of the dump file name, and therefore overrides the directory object specified with the DIRECTORY parameter. Because all three parallel processes will be given work to perform during this job, dump files named exp201.dmp and exp202.dmp will be created based on the specified substitution variable exp2%U.dmp. Because no directory is specified for them, they will be written to the path associated with the directory object, dpump_dir1, that was specified with the DIRECTORY parameter.

See Also: