Default: the value of the Oracle database configuration parameter, SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES, as specified in the initialization parameter file

Both Import and the Oracle database provide a SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter. The Import SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter is specified at the Import command line. The Oracle database SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter is specified as a configuration parameter in the initialization parameter file. It is important to understand how they affect each other.

If you do not specify a value for SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES at the Import command line, then Import uses the database setting for the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES configuration parameter, as specified in the initialization parameter file.

If you do specify a value for SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES at the Import command line, then it overrides the value of the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES configuration parameter in the initialization parameter file.

A value of y means that Import will skip building indexes that were set to the Index Unusable state (by either system or user). Other indexes (not previously set to Index Unusable) continue to be updated as rows are inserted.

This parameter enables you to postpone index maintenance on selected index partitions until after row data has been inserted. You then have the responsibility to rebuild the affected index partitions after the Import.


Indexes that are unique and marked Unusable are not allowed to skip index maintenance. Therefore, the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter has no effect on unique indexes.

You can use the INDEXFILE parameter in conjunction with INDEXES=n to provide the SQL scripts for re-creating the index. If the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter is not specified, then row insertions that attempt to update unusable indexes will fail.

See Also:

The ALTER SESSION statement in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference