Formatting Reconstructed SQL Statements for Re-execution

By default, a ROWID clause is included in the reconstructed SQL_REDO and SQL_UNDO statements and the statements are ended with a semicolon.

However, you can override the default settings, as follows:

  • Specify the NO_ROWID_IN_STMT option when you start LogMiner.

    This excludes the ROWID clause from the reconstructed statements. Because row IDs are not consistent between databases, if you intend to re-execute the SQL_REDO or SQL_UNDO statements against a different database than the one against which they were originally executed, then specify the NO_ROWID_IN_STMT option when you start LogMiner.

  • Specify the NO_SQL_DELIMITER option when you start LogMiner.

    This suppresses the semicolon from the reconstructed statements. This is helpful for applications that open a cursor and then execute the reconstructed statements.

Note that if the STATUS field of the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view contains the value 2 (invalid sql), then the associated SQL statement cannot be executed.