This clause defines a field as an integer. If EXTERNAL is specified, then the number is a character string. If EXTERNAL is not specified, then the number is a binary field. The valid values for len in binary integer fields are 1, 2, 4, and 8. If len is omitted for binary integers, then the default value is whatever the value of sizeof(int) is on the platform where the access driver is running. Use of the DATA IS {BIG | LITTLE} ENDIAN clause may cause the data to be byte-swapped before it is stored.

If EXTERNAL is specified, then the value of len is the number of bytes or characters in the number (depending on the setting of the STRING SIZES ARE IN BYTES or CHARACTERS clause). If no length is specified, then the default value is 255.

The default value of the [UNSIGNED] INTEGER [EXTERNAL] [(len)] data type is determined as follows:

  • If no length specified, then the default length is 1.

  • If no length is specified and the field is delimited with a DELIMITED BY NEWLINE clause, then the default length is 1.

  • If no length is specified and the field is delimited with a DELIMITED BY clause, then the default length is 255 (unless the delimiter is NEWLINE, as stated above).