Default: There is no default


Allows you to specify a query clause that is used to filter the data that gets exported.

Syntax and Description

QUERY = [schema.][table_name:] query_clause

The query_clause is typically a SQL WHERE clause for fine-grained row selection, but could be any SQL clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause could be used to speed up a migration from a heap-organized table to an index-organized table. If a schema and table name are not supplied, then the query is applied to (and must be valid for) all tables in the export job. A table-specific query overrides a query applied to all tables.

When the query is to be applied to a specific table, a colon must separate the table name from the query clause. More than one table-specific query can be specified, but only one query can be specified per table.

If the NETWORK_LINK parameter is specified along with the QUERY parameter, then any objects specified in the query_clause that are on the remote (source) node must be explicitly qualified with the NETWORK_LINK value. Otherwise, Data Pump assumes that the object is on the local (target) node; if it is not, then an error is returned and the import of the table from the remote (source) system fails.

For example, if you specify NETWORK_LINK=dblink1, then the query_clause of the QUERY parameter must specify that link, as shown in the following example:

QUERY=(hr.employees:"WHERE last_name IN(SELECT last_name 
FROM hr.employees@dblink1)")

Depending on your operating system, the use of quotation marks when you specify a value for this parameter may also require that you use escape characters. Oracle recommends that you place this parameter in a parameter file, which can reduce the number of escape characters that might otherwise be needed on the command line. See "Use of Quotation Marks On the Data Pump Command Line".

To specify a schema other than your own in a table-specific query, you must be granted access to that specific table.


  • The QUERY parameter cannot be used with the following parameters:




  • When the QUERY parameter is specified for a table, Data Pump uses external tables to unload the target table. External tables uses a SQL CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. The value of the QUERY parameter is the WHERE clause in the SELECT portion of the CREATE TABLE statement. If the QUERY parameter includes references to another table with columns whose names match the table being unloaded, and if those columns are used in the query, then you will need to use a table alias to distinguish between columns in the table being unloaded and columns in the SELECT statement with the same name. The table alias used by Data Pump for the table being unloaded is KU$.

    For example, suppose you want to export a subset of the sh.sales table based on the credit limit for a customer in the sh.customers table. In the following example, KU$ is used to qualify the cust_id field in the QUERY parameter for unloading sh.sales. As a result, Data Pump exports only rows for customers whose credit limit is greater than $10,000.

    QUERY='sales:"WHERE EXISTS (SELECT cust_id FROM customers c 
       WHERE cust_credit_limit > 10000 AND ku$.cust_id = c.cust_id)"'

    If, as in the following query, KU$ is not used for a table alias, then the result will be that all rows are unloaded:

    QUERY='sales:"WHERE EXISTS (SELECT cust_id FROM customers c 
       WHERE cust_credit_limit > 10000 AND cust_id = c.cust_id)"'
  • The maximum length allowed for a QUERY string is 4000 bytes including quotation marks, which means that the actual maximum length allowed is 3998 bytes.


The following is an example of using the QUERY parameter:

> expdp hr PARFILE=emp_query.par

The contents of the emp_query.par file are as follows:

QUERY=employees:"WHERE department_id > 10 AND salary > 10000"

This example unloads all tables in the hr schema, but only the rows that fit the query expression. In this case, all rows in all tables (except employees) in the hr schema will be unloaded. For the employees table, only rows that meet the query criteria are unloaded.