This screenshot shows the Database Activity section of the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) page.
In the top right corner of the screenshot are the following buttons: Run ADDM, Finding History.
A stacked area chart is shown. The units of the x-axis are hours. The x-coordinates shown range from 4 p.m. on Dec 30 2011 to 2 a.m. on Dec 31 2011. The units of the y-axis are: active sessions. The y-coordinates shown range from 0.0 to 1.75. The following types of information are plotted in the chart: Wait, User I/O, CPU. The chart indicates that all activity spiked between 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on December 30.
This screenshot also shows the ADDM Performance Analysis section of the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) page.
In the top right of the section are the following buttons: Filters, View Snapshots, View Report, JVM Diagnostics.
6 label-value pairs appear. The value for the Task Name label is: ADDM:644923168_1_1016 The value for the Task Owner label is: SYS. The value for the Average Active Sessions label is: 1.5. The value for the Period Start Time label is: Dec 30, 2011 2:30:04 PM. The value for the End Time label is: Dec 31, 2011 3:00:06 PM.
Underneath this section is a table. The table contains the following columns: Impact (%), Finding, Occurrences (last 24 hrs ending with analysis period). The values in the Finding and Occurrences columns are links. The Impact (%) value is shown as a horizontal bar.
7 rows are shown in the table. The values of row 1 are: 100, Virtual Memory Paging, 3 0f 49. The values of row 2 are: 65.2, Top SQL Statements, 2 of 49. The values of row 3 are: 7.6, "Scheduler" Wait Class, 2 of 49. The values of row 4 are: 45.5, Shared Pool Latches, 2 of 49. The values of row 5 are: 3.6, "User I/O wait Class", 3 of 49. The values of row 6 are: 2.2, Soft Parse, 3 of 49. The values of row 7 are: 2.2, Hard Parse Due to Sharing Criteria, 3 0f 49.
A collapsed navigation tree for Information Findings is shown.
End of description.