The screenshot shows the beginning of the Report Results section of the Run Ash Report page. The report is entitled ASH Report for EMPDB/empdb. To the right of the title is the Save to File button.At the top of the report is a table with the following columns: DB Name, DB Id, Instance, Inst Num, Release, RAC, and Host. The table has one row, which shows the following values: EMPDB, 647168497, empdb, 1,, NO, and dbhost.The next table has the following columns: CPUs, SGA Size, Buffer Cache, Shared Pool, and ASH Buffer Size. The table has one row, which shows the following values: 2, 1,019M (100%), 68M (6.7%), 408M (40.0%), and 4.0M (0.4%).The next table has the following columns: null, Sample Time, and Data Source. The table contains 7 rows. The values in the rows are the following:
Row 1: Analysis Begin Time, 17-Jan-12 09:15:32, V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
Row 2: Analysis End Time, 17-Jan-12 09:20:32, V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
Row 3: Elapsed Time, 5.0 (mins), null
Row 4: Sample Count, 431, null
Row 5: Average Active Sessions, 1.44, null
Row 6: Avg. Active Session per CPU, 0.72, null
Row 7: Report Target, None specified, null
Below the table is the heading "ASH Report." The following links appear below the heading: Top Events, Load Profile, Top SQL, Top PL/SQL, Top Java, Top Call Types, Top Sessions, Top Objects/Files/Latches, Activity Over Time.
End of description.