The table has eight columns. The title of the first column is Sid, Serial#. The titles of the other columns are: % Activity, Event, % Event, User, Program, # Samples Active, XIDs. The table has seven rows.

Row 1 contains the following values: 123,275, 27.33, db file sequential read, 22.44, HR, sqlplus -L@dbh...1 (TNS V1-V3), 243/300 [81%], 16.

Row 2 contains the following values: null, null, flashback buf free by RVWR, 3.32, null, null, 36/300 [12%], 4.

Row 3 contains the following values: 126,28313, 27.33, CPU + Wait for CPU, 26.78, SH, sqlplus -L@dbh...1 (TNS V1-V3), 290/300 [97%], 0.

Row 4 contains the following values: 154,5, 15.24, CPU + Wait for CPU, 11.54, SYS, oracle@dbhost (RVWR), 125/300 [42%], 0.

Row 5 contains the following values: null, null, control file parallel write, 2.12, null, null, 23/300 [8%], 0.

Row 6 contains the following values: 161,1, 8.31, log file parallel write, 8.22, SYS, oracle@dbhost (LGWR), 89/300 [30%], 0.

Row 7 contains the following values: 110,36790, 2.86, CPU + Wait for CPU, 1.11, SYS, oracle@dbhost (M000), 12/300 [4%], 0.

End of description.