The screenshot shows the Results for Task: SQLACCESS8895797 page with the Summary subpage selected. The tabs for the other subpages are Recommendations, SQL Statements, and Details.
At the top of the page are the following label-value pairs: Task Name is SQLACCESS8895797, Status is COMPLETED, Advisor Mode is LIMITED, Scheduler Job is ADV_SQLACCESS8895797, Publish Point is 1, Started is Feb 22 2012 2:22:11 PM CST, Ended is Feb 22 2012 2:22:36 PM CST, Running Time (seconds) is 25, Total Time Limit (minutes) is 10000.
The Overall Workload Performance section has an information icon (the letter i in a chat bubble) followed by the words, "Potential for Improvement."
The Workload I/O Cost section has a bar chart that compares the workload I/O cost for the Original Cost (323818), indicated by a red bar, with the New Cost (298034)), indicated by a smaller blue bar. The vertical axis measures the workload I/O cost, with values from 290,000 to 330,000 in increments of 10,000.
The Query Execution Time Improvement section also has a bar chart. The vertical axis is the percentage of statements, and has values from 0 to 100 incrementing by 25. The horizontal axis measures the Query Improvement Factor with values of 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, and >10x. The legend contains only 2 entries: No Performance Improvement, represented by the gray bars and Potential Performance Improvement, represented by the blue bars. The graph indicates that 50% of the queries would see no improvement, as indicated by the large gray bar at 1x. Approximately 20% of the statements have a potential query execution time improvement of 4x, and approximately 29% of the statements have a potential query execution time improvement of greater than 10x, as indicated by the blue bars at 4x and >10x. There are no other bars on the chart.
The Recommendations section displays the following information:
Recommendations: 4 (a link)
Space Requirements (MB): 3.522
User Specified Space Adjustment: Unlimited
Show Recommendation Action Counts (a link and unexpanded)
The SQL Statements section displays the following information:
SQL Statements: 6 (a link), followed by the descriptive text "Statements remaining after filters were applied."
Show Statement Counts (a link and unexpanded)
End of description.