The screenshot shows a portion of the Schedule Implementation page. Under the title of the page is the text, "SQL Access Advisor will implement all recommendations from this task that are currently selected and have not yet been implemented. This implementation task will be submitted and run as a job. Go to Scheduler Jobs to check on the job status." To the right of this text are the Cancel, Show SQL, and Submit buttons.
Below the text is the Job Name field, which requires a value. The value in the field is SQLACCESSIMPL3816932. Below the Job Name is the Stop on Error option, which is not selected. This option has the following descriptive text: "If checked, this implementation job will stop processing if an error occurs. If not checked, this job will ignore errors and will continue processing all actions of selected recommendations."
The Scheduling Options group has the Schedule Type list, which has the value Standard selected. Below that is the Time Zone list, which has the value (UTC-08:00) US Pacific Time selected. To the right of the Time Zone list is a search icon.
Below the Time Zone list is the Repeating group. In the group is the Repeat list, which has the value Do Not Repeat selected.
The Start group has two options: Immediately (selected) and Later. The Later option has associated Date field and Time lists. The Date value is Feb 22, 2012. This field has a Calendar icon to its right. Below the Date field are Time lists for hours, minutes, and seconds. The lists values show the time 9:05:00. To the right of these Time lists are the options AM and PM (selected).
End of description.