Partitions can be added using partition exchange load (PEL). When you use PEL, you create a separate table that looks exactly like a single partition, including the same indexes and constraints, if any. If you use a composite partitioned table, then your separate table must use a partitioning strategy that matches the subpartitioning strategy of your composite partitioned table. You can then exchange an existing table partition with this separate table. In a data load scenario, data can be loaded into the separate table. Build indexes and implement constraints on the separate table, without impacting the table users query. Then perform the PEL, which is a very low-impact transaction compared to the data load. Daily loads, with a range partition strategy by day, are common in data warehouse environments.
The following example shows a partition exchange load for the sales
ALTER TABLE sales ADD PARTITION p_sales_jun_2007 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-FEB-2007','dd-MON-yyyy')); CREATE TABLE sales_jun_2007 COMPRESS FOR OLTP AS SELECT * FROM sales WHERE 1=0;
Next, populate table sales_jun_2007
with sales numbers for June 2007, and create the equivalent bitmap indexes and constraints that have been implemented on the sales
CREATE BITMAP INDEX time_id_jun_2007_bix ON sales_jun_2007(time_id) NOLOGGING; CREATE BITMAP INDEX cust_id_jun_2007_bix ON sales_jun_2007(cust_id) NOLOGGING; CREATE BITMAP INDEX prod_id_jun_2007_bix ON sales_jun_2007(prod_id) NOLOGGING; CREATE BITMAP INDEX promo_id_jun_2007_bix ON sales_jun_2007(promo_id) NOLOGGING; CREATE BITMAP INDEX channel_id_jun_2007_bix ON sales_jun_2007(channel_id) NOLOGGING; ALTER TABLE sales_jun_2007 ADD CONSTRAINT prod_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (prod_id) REFERENCES products(prod_id); ALTER TABLE sales_jun_2007 ADD CONSTRAINT cust_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (cust_id) REFERENCES customers(cust_id); ALTER TABLE sales_jun_2007 ADD CONSTRAINT promo_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (promo_id) REFERENCES promotions(promo_id); ALTER TABLE sales_jun_2007 ADD CONSTRAINT time_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (time_id) REFERENCES times(time_id); ALTER TABLE sales_jun_2007 ADD CONSTRAINT channel_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channels(channel_id);
Next, exchange the partition:
For more information about partition exchange load, refer to Partition Administration.