Limitations and Restrictions With ADO and Heat Map

This section lists the limitations and restrictions associated with ADO and Heat Map.

  • ADO and Heat Map are not supported with a multitenant container database (CDB).

  • Partition-level ADO and compression are supported for Temporal Validity except for row-level ADO policies that would compress rows that are past their valid time (access or modification).

  • Partition-level ADO and compression are supported for in-database archiving if partitioned on the ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column.

  • Custom policies (user-defined functions) for ADO are not supported if the policies default at the tablespace level.

  • ADO does not perform checks for storage space in a target tablespace when using storage tiering.

  • ILM does not support settings in weeks. You can specify ILM policies as multiple of 21 days.

  • ADO is not supported on tables with object types or materialized views.

  • ADO is not supported with index-organized tables or clusters.

  • ADO concurrency (the number of simultaneous policy jobs for ADO) depends on the concurrency of the Oracle scheduler. If a policy job for ADO fails more than two times, then the job is marked disabled and the job must be manually enabled later.

  • Policies for ADO are only run in the Oracle Scheduler maintenance windows. Outside of the maintenance windows all policies are stopped. The only exceptions are those jobs for rebuilding indexes in ADO offline mode.

  • Supplemental logging cannot be enabled if ADO is in online mode with nonzero policies. To enable supplemental logging, switch ADO to offline mode. If supplemental logging is enabled, policies for ADO cannot be added and ADO cannot be run in online mode.

  • ADO has restrictions related to moving tables and table partitions.

    See Also: