Truncating a Partition with the Cascade Option

You can use cascade truncate operations to a reference partitioned child table with the CASCADE option of TRUNCATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE PARTITION, and ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE SUBPARTITION SQL statements.

When the CASCADE option is specified for TRUNCATE TABLE, the truncate table operation also truncates child tables that reference the targeted table through an enabled referential constraint that has ON DELETE CASCADE enabled. This cascading action applies recursively to grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. After determining the set of tables to be truncated based on the enabled ON DELETE CASCADE referential constraints, an error is raised if any table in this set is referenced through an enabled constraint from a child outside of the set. If a parent and child are connected by multiple referential constraints, a TRUNCATE TABLE CASCADE operation targeting the parent succeeds if at least one constraint has ON DELETE CASCADE enabled.

Privileges are required on all tables affected by the operation. Any other options specified for the operation, such as DROP STORAGE or PURGE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG, apply for all tables affected by the operation.

truncate_table ::=
TRUNCATE TABLE [schema.] table

When the CASCADE option is specified, the TRUNCATE PARTITION and TRUNCATE SUBPARTITION operations cascade to reference partitioned tables that are children of the targeted table. The TRUNCATE can be targeted at any level in a reference partitioned hierarchy and cascades to child tables starting from the targeted table. Privileges are not required on the child tables, but the usual restrictions on the TRUNCATE operation, such as the table cannot be referenced by an enabled referential constraint that is not a partitioning constraint, apply for all tables affected by the operation.

The CASCADE option is ignored if it is specified for a table that does not have reference partitioned children. Any other options specified for the operation, such as DROP STORAGE or UPDATE INDEXES, apply to all tables affected by the operation.

The cascade options are off by default so they do not affect Oracle Database compatibility.

truncate_partition_subpart ::=
TRUNCATE { partition_extended_name
| subpartition_extended_name
[ update_index_clauses [ parallel_clause ]]