About Exchanging a Partition with the Cascade Option

You can cascade exchange operations to reference partitioned child tables with the CASCADE option of the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION and ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION SQL statements. Cascading exchange operations require all foreign key constraints to being defined as ON DELETE CASCADE.

When the CASCADE option for ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION and ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION is specified, the EXCHANGE operation cascades to reference partitioned tables that are children of the targeted table. The exchange operation can be targeted at any level in a reference partitioned hierarchy and cascades to child tables starting from the targeted table. Privileges are not required on the child tables, but ordinary restrictions on the exchange operation apply for all tables affected by the operation. The CASCADE option is ignored if it is specified for a table that does not have reference partitioned children.

The reference partitioned hierarchy of the targeted table and the reference partitioned hierarchy of the exchange table must match. The CASCADE option is not supported if the same parent key is referenced by multiple dependent tables. Having more than one dependent table relying on the same primary key makes it impossible for the kernel to unambiguously identify how to exchange the dependent partitions. Any other options specified for the operation, such as UPDATE INDEXES, applies for all tables affected by the operation.

The cascade options are off by default so they do not affect Oracle Database compatibility.