Performance Implications of Prefixed and Nonprefixed Indexes

It is more expensive to probe into a nonprefixed index than to probe into a prefixed index. If an index is prefixed (either local or global) and Oracle is presented with a predicate involving the index columns, then partition pruning can restrict application of the predicate to a subset of the index partitions.

For example, in Figure 3-4, if the predicate is deptno=15, the optimizer knows to apply the predicate only to the second partition of the index. (If the predicate involves a bind variable, the optimizer does not know exactly which partition but it may still know there is only one partition involved, in which case at run time, only one index partition is accessed.)

When an index is nonprefixed, Oracle often has to apply a predicate involving the index columns to all N index partitions. This is required to look up a single key, or to do an index range scan. For a range scan, Oracle must also combine information from N index partitions. For example, in Figure 3-5, a local index is partitioned on chkdate with an index key on acctno. If the predicate is acctno=31, Oracle probes all 12 index partitions.

Of course, if there is also a predicate on the partitioning columns, then multiple index probes might not be necessary. Oracle takes advantage of the fact that a local index is equipartitioned with the underlying table to prune partitions based on the partition key. For example, if the predicate in Figure 3-5 is chkdate<3/97, Oracle only has to probe two partitions.

So for a nonprefixed index, if the partition key is a part of the WHERE clause but not of the index key, then the optimizer determines which index partitions to probe based on the underlying table partition.

When many queries and DML statements using keys of local, nonprefixed, indexes have to probe all index partitions, this effectively reduces the degree of partition independence provided by such indexes.

Table 3-2 Comparing Prefixed Local, Nonprefixed Local, and Global Indexes

Index Characteristics Prefixed Local Nonprefixed Local Global

Unique possible?



Yes. Must be global if using indexes on columns other than the partitioning columns


Easy to manage

Easy to manage

Harder to manage





Long Running (DSS)



Not Good