Partition Placement

Partition placement is not a concern if you stripe across all available devices and distribute the load across all available resources. If you cannot stripe data files across all available devices, then consider partition placement to optimize the use of all available hardware resources (physical disk spindles, disk controllers, and channels to disk).

I/O-intensive queries or DML operations should make optimal use of all available resources. Storing database object partitions in specific tablespaces, each of which uses a different set of hardware resources, enables you to use all resources for operations against a single partitioned database object. Ensure that I/O-intensive operations can use all resources by using an appropriate partitioning technique.

Hash partitioning and hash subpartitioning on a unique or almost unique column or set of columns with the number of hash partitions equal to a power of 2 is the only technique likely to result in an even workload distribution when using partition placement to optimize I/O resource utilization. Other partitioning and subpartitioning techniques may yield similar benefits depending on your application.