Splitting a *-Range Partition

Splitting a partition of a *-range partitioned table is similar to the description in "Splitting a Partition of a Range-Partitioned Table". No subpartition range values can be specified for either of the new partitions. The new partitions inherit the subpartition descriptions from the original partition being split.

The following example splits the May 2007 interval partition of the interval-range partitioned orders table:

    SPLIT PARTITION FOR(TO_DATE('01-MAY-2007','dd-MON-yyyy'))
    AT (TO_DATE('15-MAY-2007','dd-MON-yyyy'))
    INTO (PARTITION p_fh_may07,PARTITION p_sh_may2007);

This operation splits the interval partition FOR('01-MAY-2007') into two resulting partitions: p_fh_may07 and p_sh_may_2007. Both partitions inherit their subpartition descriptions from the original partition. Any interval partitions before the June 2007 partition have been converted into range partitions, as described in "Merging Interval Partitions".

The ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION statement provides no means of specifically naming subpartitions resulting from the split of a partition in a composite partitioned table. However, for those subpartitions in the parent partition with names of the form partition name_subpartition name, the database generates corresponding names in the newly created subpartitions using the new partition names. All other subpartitions are assigned system generated names of the form SYS_SUBPn. System generated names are also assigned for the subpartitions of any partition resulting from the split for which a name is not specified. Unnamed partitions are assigned a system generated partition name of the form SYS_Pn.

The following query displays the subpartition names and high values resulting from the previous split partition operation on table orders. It also reflects the results of other operations performed on this table in preceding sections of this chapter since its creation.

BREAK ON partition_name

SELECT partition_name, subpartition_name, high_value
FROM user_tab_subpartitions
WHERE table_name = 'ORCERS'
ORDER BY partition_name, subpartition_position;

------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
P_BEFORE_2007             P_BEFORE_2007_P_SMALL          1000
                          P_BEFORE_2007_P_MEDIUM         10000
                          P_BEFORE_2007_P_LARGE          100000
                          P_BEFORE_2007_P_EXTRAORDINARY  MAXVALUE
P_FH_MAY07                SYS_SUBP2985                   1000
                          SYS_SUBP2986                   10000
                          SYS_SUBP2987                   100000
                          SYS_SUBP2988                   MAXVALUE
P_PRE_MAY_2007            P_PRE_MAY_2007_P_SMALL         1000
                          P_PRE_MAY_2007_P_MEDIUM        10000
                          P_PRE_MAY_2007_P_LARGE         100000
                          P_PRE_MAY_2007_P_EXTRAORDINARY MAXVALUE
P_SH_MAY2007              SYS_SUBP2989                   1000
                          SYS_SUBP2990                   10000
                          SYS_SUBP2991                   100000
                          SYS_SUBP2992                   MAXVALUE