This book is a comprehensive user's guide and reference for SQL*Module, an Oracle application development tool.
It includes a complete description of Module Language, an ANSI/ISO SQL standard for developing applications that access data stored in a relational database. Module Language uses parameterized procedures to encapsulate SQL statements. The procedures can then be called from an Ada application.
This Guide also describes how you can use SQL*Module to call PL/SQL procedures stored in an Oracle database. A number of complete examples using Module Language, Ada code, and stored database procedures are provided.
This preface contains these topics:
Oracle SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide is intended for systems architects, analysts, and developers who are writing large-scale applications that access an Oracle Server. Chapter 1 of this Guide can also be used by managers who need to determine if SQL*Module is an appropriate tool for a planned project.
To use this Guide effectively, you need a working knowledge of the following topics:
applications programming in Ada
the SQL database language
Oracle database concepts and terminology
Familiarity with SQL-standard Module Language is not a prerequisite. This Guide fully documents Module Language.
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SQL*Module conforms to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Standards Organization (ISO) standards for Module Language. This includes complete conformance with Chapter 7 of ANSI document X3.135-1989, Database Language SQL with Integrity Enhancement.
In addition, SQL*Module conforms to the "Entry SQL" subset of the SQL92 standard, as defined in Chapter 12 of the ANSI Document X3.135-1992.
Note: SQL92 is known officially as International Standard ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL.
SQL*Module supports the Ada83 language standard for Ada.
Oracle has also implemented extensions to the SQL language and to Module Language. This Guide describes both the SQL standard Module Language and the complete set of Oracle extensions. SQL*Module provides an option, called the FIPS flagger, which flags all non-standard extensions to SQL and to Module Language, as mandated by the Federal Information Processing Standard for Database Language SQL, FIPS publication 127-1. This publication is available at
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