Oracle Database Online Documentation 12c Release 1 (12.1)
Security has never been more important as databases have become a target for gaining access to valuable information. Oracle Database has a wealth of security features spanning preventive, detective, and administrative controls.Database Security
Solutions such as Oracle Advanced Security, Oracle Database Vault, Oracle Label Security, and Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall can be used to deploy an inside-out, defense-in-depth architecture to help address security requirements ranging from preventing database bypass to privileged user controls to detecting and preventing SQL injection attacks. Oracle Database security solutions help address privacy and compliance regulations as well as prevent and detect unauthorized access to sensitive data. To get started learning about how security works in Oracle Database, see Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide.
Provides an introduction to securing an Oracle database using the default security features, such as how to secure the database installation and configuration or manage encryption. It includes beginning level tutorials for creating secure application roles, Oracle Database Vault policies, Oracle Virtual Private Database policies, Oracle Data Redaction policies, Oracle Label Security policies, and unified auditing policies.

Provides a graphical user interface (RASADM) that security administrators and developers using Real Application Security can use to develop end-to-end security for mid-tier applications. The RASADM application allows users to develop declarative data security policies to enforce access control requirements at the database layer to protect data at both the row and column levels. This approach allows developers to control application user access to data in Oracle database throughout all components of an Oracle enterprise in a common manner.

Describes how to implement Real Application Security on the database. Real Application Security is a new feature in Oracle Database 12c. Real Application Security is a database authorization model that enables end-to-end security for multitier applications. It provides an integrated solution to securing the database and application user communities. Also, it advances the security architecture of Oracle Database to meet existing and emerging demands of applications developed for the Internet.

Documents two Java packages: - oracle.security.xs contains the APIs for using lightweight user sessions - oracle.security.xs.admin contains the APIs for administering lightweight user session

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Documents one Java package: - oracle.security.xs.ee.session contains the APIs for using an application session service.

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Oracle Key Vault enables you to accelerate security and encryption deployments by centrally managing encryption keys, Oracle wallets, Java keystores, and credential files. It is optimized for Oracle wallets, Java keystores, and Oracle Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) master keys. Oracle Key Vault supports the OASIS KMIP standard. The full-stack, security-hardened software appliance uses Oracle Linux and Oracle Database technology for security, availability, and scalability, and can be deployed on your choice of hardware.

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