Oracle® Enterprise Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for HP ServiceCenter Connector Release Part Number E12413-04 |
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This chapter provides details on the out-of-box ticket templates shipped with the HP ServiceCenter Connector based on the out-of-box ServiceCenter IncidentManagement WSDL. The ticket templates specify the mappings between Enterprise Manager alert attributes and HP ServiceCenter ticket attributes.
Table 4–1 lists the out-of-box templates. Changes to the ServiceCenter IncidentManagement WSDL may require these templates to be modified to reflect the changes.
Table 4-1 Out-of-Box HP ServiceCenter Templates
Template Group | Template XSL Group | Description |
Default |
This template group creates a new ServiceCenter incident report with defaults. It does not auto close the ServiceCenter Incident when an Enterprise Manager Alert clears. |
ServiceCenter_Default_Incident.xsl |
Creates, updates, and reopens the ServiceCenter Incident. |
Auto Close |
This template group creates a new ServiceCenter incident report with defaults, and performs an Incident auto close when the Enterprise Manager Alert clears. |
ServiceCenter_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl |
Creates, updates, reopens, and closes the ServiceCenter Incident. |
This section describes the mappings that exist for each of the ticket templates described above. The ticket templates are XLS files that transform the Enterprise Manager Event data into a ServiceCenter Incident.
The mappings are dependent on the HP ServiceCenter 6.1 Web Service out-of-box IncidentReport.WSDL. The information in Table 4–2 and Table 4–3 applies to the default template of the type Auto Close. However, the templates are very similar except for minor settings for the priority of the incident to be raised, and the inclusion or exclusion of the auto-close feature. This feature performs an update that auto closes the incident based on the alert Clear status.
In the tables, * denotes a literal string and ** indicatesif the attribute applies.
Table 4-2 Ticket Creation (ServiceCenter_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl Mappings)
Conditional Branch | ServiceCenter Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Severity |
Conditional Settings Enterprise Manager ServiceCenter 25 (Critical) 2 (Urgent) 20 (Warning) 3 (Medium) Unreachable Start 2 (Urgent) Agent unreachable 2 (urgent) Blackout Start 3(Med) |
Derived |
IF TicketID is blank |
If the ticket id is not present in the alert, it assumes a create incident. |
Category |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'shared infrastructure' for a category. |
sharedinfrastructure |
Subcategory |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'enterprise' for a sub-category. |
enterprise |
ProductType |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'applications' for a ProductType. |
applications |
ProblemType |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'none' for a ProblemType. |
none |
PrimaryAssignmentGroup |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'HELPDESK' for the primary assignment group. |
IncidentDescription |
EMUser — Notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the Enterprise Manager log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing. Target Type: <TargetType> Target Name:<TargetName> MetricColumn — Name of the metric; for example, CPU Utilization(%). MetricName — Category of the metric. For the CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load. KeyColumn** — For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name'. KeyValues** — For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered a warning or critical severity. SeverityCollectionTimeTargetHost URL — URL of the metric details page in the context of the alert. This points to the ServiceCenter Incident in the ServiceCenter Web Console. |
Values from the Alert Context |
BriefDescription (Title) |
<Message> |
Values from the Alert Context |
JournalUpdates |
Incident created by Oracle Enterprise Manager Connector for the HP Service Manager based on an alert with <severity> severity. Message: <message>. |
Values from the Alert Context |
AlertStatus |
ServiceCenter sets to Open by default on Create Operation |
“Open” |
The mapping in Table 4–3 is specific to an update of an Incident caused by a change of the event status.
Table 4-3 Ticket Updates (ServiceCenter_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl Mappings)
Conditional Branch | Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
IncidentID |
TicketID |
The connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the ServiceCenter Web service to identify the incident that must be updated. |
IF TicketID is not Blank |
<EM_alert_message> |
Values from the Alert Context. |
IMTicketStatus |
Static value |
Open |
Status |
Static value |
Reopen |
JournalUpdates |
Ticket reopened because the associated alert re-triggered at <EM_severity> severity within the grace period. Message: <EM_alert_message>. |
Values from the Alert Context. |
If SeverityCode = “15” or Severity =“Unreachable Clear” or“Agent Unreachable Clear” or“Blackout End” or “Metric Error End” |
If the Enterprise Manager Alert status meets the condition, an update occurs on the Incident that closes the Incident. |
Status |
Static value |
JournalUpdates |
Static |
Incident closed by Oracle Enterprise Manager |
ResolutionFixType |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'permanent' for a resolution fix type. |
Permanent |
ClosureCode |
Corresponds to the out-of-the-box ServiceCenter setting of 'User Closure' for a Closure Code |
User Closure |
Resolution |
Static |
The alert was resolved in Oracle Enterprise Manager |
Otherwise |
JournalUpdates |
Ticket updated due to change in severity of the associated alert. Severity: <EM_severity>. Message: <EM_alert_message>. |
Values from the Alert Context. |
If the out-of-box ticket templates do not satisfy your requirements, you can modify them. The templates are highly customizable. Oracle recommends that only users with advanced knowledge of XSLT make complex changes.
HP ServiceCenter's web services enable you to modify the data published. See the HP ServiceCenter documentation on how to publish web service information. This connector uses the Incident Management WSDL.
Oracle recommends that you use one of the existing templates as the base template. Copy this ticket template to a new file, modify it, then register the new ticket template.
In most cases, when you modify the ticket template, you might only be changing the mappings. Example 4–1 illustrates this concept.
Example 4-1 Adding an existing data element exposed in the ServiceCenter Incident Management WSDL
Select an out-of-the-box template (.XSL) and make a copy. For example, copy ServiceCenter_Default_Incident_AutoClose.XSL to ServiceCenter_Main_Incident_AutoClose.XSL.
Modify the new XSL document to reflect the change. This example makes a simple change to set the default company to a fixed 'value' of 'AJAX'. Open the newly-copied XSL file in edit mode as shown in Figure 4–1.
The XSL has two primary branches: Create Incident and Update Incident. This example only modifies the first branch.
Navigate to the code in the incident create block as shown above. Uncomment the Company element as shown below and add the fixed text of AJAX.
This instructs the connector framework to supply the value of AJAX in the ServiceCenter field value of Company.
Save the file and register the template as described in Section 3.4.1, "Registering Ticket Templates".
The template is now ready to use in notification rules or as a template for manual ticket creation. When used, it behaves the same as the out-of-the-box template copied, except when a ServiceCenter incident is created, the incident company will be AJAX. Of course, AJAX must be a valid ServiceCenter company or the request will fail.
This is a simple example of customizing ticket templates. Complex XSL code can be written to manage the mapping of data between the Enterprise Manager Alert and the ServiceCenter Incident Ticket.