Oracle® Communications Data Model Release Notes 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E15888-09 |
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Release Notes
11g Release 2 (11.2)
June 2011
This document outlines new features for Release 11.2.4 of Oracle Communications Data Model. It also contains important information that was not included in the documentation for Release 11.2.4 of Oracle Communications Data Model.
This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document and to view other Oracle documentation, refer to the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:
This document contains the following topics:
This release of Oracle Communications Data Model contains the following new features and functionality:
Extensions to the logical and physical data model. For example, more stages on Network events (CDR) like Raw, Mediated, Billed to support detailed revenue assurance analysis; and Prospect lifecycle (including proposal, acceptance, and rejection). See Oracle Communications Data Model Reference for details.
Certified for use with Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition 11g. See Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide for details.
Enhancements to improve the look and feel of all of the sample reports included in Oracle Communications Data Model.
This release has the following known issues:
The Description of the Database Connection Settings is Incomplete
Re-installation of Oracle Communications Data Model with Sample Reports Fails
In the Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide, a step in the "Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Catalog for Oracle Communications Data Model" topic is omitted that would ensure a complete description of the database settings.
This issue is documented in Bug 12310652.
Once Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition is installed, please add the following entry into BIEEHOME/Oracle_BI1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
ocdm_db = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname.domain)(PORT = port-number)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = SID) # Change your SID, Hostname, and Listener PortNumber ) )
Be careful to split these commands properly when you add them to the file. Do not add them as one long concatenated line of code.Note:
If you want to use another database name, you must change thetnsname
in the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition repository. See the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition documentation for directions for defining a database connection in repository.The de-installation script for Oracle Communications Data Model does not delete the OCDM_SAMPLE_SYS schema. Consequently, a re-installation of the Oracle Communications Data Model with sample reports fails.
This issue is documented in Bug 11934887.
If you want to re-installOracle Communications Data Model with the sample reports, take the following steps before you begin re-installation:
Login database using the DBA account.
execute the following SQL statement.
drop user ocdm_sample_sys cascade;
The following bugs were fixed:
There are changes to two of the manuals that document Oracle Communications Data Model:
The Oracle Communications Data Model Operations Guide has been renamed. It is now entitled Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide. The Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide contains all of the information that was in the previous release of this guide as well as additional information about implementing a data warehouse based on the Oracle Communications Data Model.
In this release of Oracle Communications Data Model Reference, Chapter 2 contains updated lists of Business Area logical entities, but does not contain figures showing the logical data model organization. You need to obtain the IP Patch ( to view the complete logical data model documentation. The IP patch includes the Business Area figures and an up-to-date description of the Logical Data Model. The documentation provided in the IP Patch is intended for customers who have purchased Oracle Communications Data Model and need additional details and descriptions for the Logical Data Model. To obtain the IP Patch and for the latest information about Oracle Communications Data Mode patch sets, go to My Oracle Support at
This release of Oracle Communications Data Model includes the following documentation:
Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide that describes how to install and configure the Oracle Communications Data Model.
Oracle Communications Data Model Reference that describes the data model structures for Oracle Communications Data Model.
Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide that describes how to implement and maintain a data warehouse based on the Oracle Communications Data Model.
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Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide, 11g Release 2 (11.2)
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