8 DBFS Content API

This chapter explains how developers can enable applications to use DBFS.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of DBFS Content API

The DBFS Content API (DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT) is a client-side programmatic API package which allows applications to use DBFS. These applications can be written in SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, OCI, and other programming environments.

The DBFS Content API is a collection of methods that provide a file system-like abstraction. It is backed by one or more DBFS Store Providers. The Content in the DBFS Content interface refers to a file, including metadata, and it can either map to a SecureFiles LOB (and other columns) in a table or be dynamically created by user-written plug-ins in Java or PL/SQL that run inside the database. The plug-in form is referred to as a provider.


The DBFS Content API includes the SecureFiles Store Provider, DBMS_DBFS_SFS, a default implementation that enables applications that already use LOBs as columns in their schema, to access the LOB columns as files. See Chapter 6, "DBFS SecureFiles Store".

Examples of possible providers include:

  • Packaged applications that want to surface data through files.

  • Custom applications developers would like to use to leverage the file system interface. For example, an application that stores medical images.

Stores and DBFS Content API

The DBFS Content API takes the common features of various stores and forms them into a simple interface that can be used to build portable client applications, while allowing different stores to implement the set of features they choose.

The DBFS Content API aggregates the path namespace of one or more stores into a single unified namespace, using the first component of the path name to disambiguate the namespace and then presents it to client applications. This allows clients to access the underlying documents using either a full absolute path name represented by a single string, in this form:


or a store-qualified path name as a string 2-tuple, in this form:


The DBFS Content API then takes care of correctly dispatching various operations on path names to the appropriate stores and integrating the results back into the client-desired namespace.

Store providers must conform to the store provider interface (SPI) as declared by the package DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_SPI. See Chapter 9, "Creating Your Own DBFS Store" for further information.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT package syntax reference.

Getting Started with DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Package

DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT is part of the Oracle Database, starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2, and does not need to be installed.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information.

DBFS Content API Role

Access to the content operational and administrative API (packages, types, tables, and so on) is available through DBFS_ROLE. This role can be granted to all users as needed.

Path Name Constants and Types

Path name constants are modeled after their SecureFiles LOBs store counterparts. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for path name constants and their types.

Path Properties

Every path name in a store is associated with a set of properties. For simplicity and generality, each property is identified by a string name, has a string value (possibly null if not set or undefined or unsupported by a specific store implementation), and a value typecode, a numeric discriminant for the actual type of value held in the value string.

Coercing property values to strings has the advantage of making the various interfaces uniform and compact (and can even simplify implementation of the underlying stores), but has the potential for information loss during conversions to and from strings.

It is expected that clients and stores use well-defined database conventions for these conversions and use the typecode field as appropriate.

PL/SQL types path_t and name_t are portable aliases for strings that can represent pathnames and component names,

A typecode is a numeric value representing the true type of a string-coerced property value. Simple scalar types (numbers, dates, timestamps, etc.) can be depended on by clients and must be implemented by stores.

Since standard RDBMS typecodes are positive integers, the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT interface allows negative integers to represent client-defined types by negative typecodes. These typecodes do not conflict with standard typecodes, are maintained persistently and returned to the client as needed, but need not be interpreted by the DBFS content API or any particular store. Portable client applications should not use user-defined typecodes as a back door way of passing information to specific stores.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT constants and properties and the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T package.

Content IDs

Content IDs are unique identifiers that represent a path in the store. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Content ID constants and properties

Path Name Types

Stores can store and provide access to four types of entities: type_file, type_directory, type_directory, and type_reference.

Not all stores must implement all directories, links, or references. See "Store Features", and Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT constants and path name types.

Store Features

In order to provide a common programmatic interface to as many different types of stores as possible, the DBFS Content API leaves some of the behavior of various operations to individual store providers to define and implement.

The DBFS Content API remains rich and conducive to portable applications by allowing different store providers (and different stores) to describe themselves as a feature set. A feature set is a bit mask indicating which features they support and which ones they do not. With this, it is possible, although tricky, for client applications to compensate for the feature deficiencies of specific stores by implementing additional logic on the client side, and deferring complex operations to stores capable of supporting them.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the store features and constants.

Lock Types

Stores that support locking should implement three types of locks: lock_read_only, lock_write_only, lock_read_write.

User locks (any of these types) can be associated with user-supplied lock_data. The store does not interpret the data, but client applications can use it for their own purposes (for example, the user data could indicate the time at which the lock was placed, and the client application might use this later to control its actions.

In the simplest locking model, a lock_read_only prevents all explicit modifications to a path name (but allows implicit modifications and changes to parent/child path names). A lock_write_only prevents all explicit reads to the path name, but allows implicit reads and reads to parent/child path names. A lock_read_write allows both.

All locks are associated with a principal user who performs the locking operation; stores that support locking are expected to preserve this information and use it to perform read/write lock checking (see opt_locker).

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the lock types and constants.

Standard Properties

Standard properties are well-defined, mandatory properties associated with all content path names, which all stores must support, in the manner described by the DBFS Content API. Stores created against tables with a fixed schema may choose reasonable defaults for as many of these properties as needed, and so on.

All standard properties informally use the std namespace. Clients and stores should avoid using this namespace to define their own properties to prevent conflicts in the future.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the standard properties and constants.

Optional Properties

Optional properties are well-defined but non-mandatory properties associated with all content path names that all stores are free to support (but only in the manner described by the DBFS Content API). Clients should be prepared to deal with stores that support none of the optional properties.

All optional properties informally use the opt namespace. Clients and stores must avoid using this namespace to define their own properties to prevent conflicts in the future.

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the optional properties and constants.

User-Defined Properties

You can define your own properties for use in your application. Ensure that the namespace prefixes do not conflict with each other or with the DBFS standard or optional properties.

Property Access Flags

DBFS Content API methods to get and set properties can use combinations of property access flags to fetch properties from different namespaces in a single API call.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the property access flags and constants.


DBFS Content API operations can raise any one of the top-level exceptions.

Clients can program against these specific exceptions in their error handlers without worrying about the specific store implementations of the underlying error signalling code.

Store service providers, should try to trap and wrap any internal exceptions into one of the exception types, as appropriate.

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the Exceptions.

Property Bundles

  • The property_t record type describes a single (value, typecode) property value tuple; the property name is implied.

  • properties_t is a name-indexed hash table of property tuples. The implicit hash-table association between the index and the value allows the client to build up the full dbms_dbfs_content_property_t tuples for a properties_t.

There is an approximate correspondence between dbms_dbfs_content_property_t and property_t. The former is a SQL object type that describes the full property tuple, while the latter is a PL/SQL record type that describes only the property value component.

There is an approximate correspondence between dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t and properties_t. The former is a SQL nested table type, while the latter is a PL/SQL hash table type.

Dynamic SQL calling conventions force the use of SQL types, but PL/SQL code may be implemented more conveniently in terms of the hash-table types.

DBFS Content API provides convenient utility functions to convert between dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t and properties_t.

The function DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.PROPERTIEST2H converts a DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTIES_T value to an equivalent properties_t value, and the function DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.PROPERTIESH2T converts a properties_t value to an equivalent DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTIES_T value.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the PROPERTY_T record type.

Store Descriptors

  • A store_t is a record that describes a store registered with, and managed by the DBFS Content API (see Administrative APIs in "Administrative and Query APIs").

  • A mount_t is a record that describes a store mount point and its properties.

Clients can query the DBFS Content API for the list of available stores, determine which store handles accesses to a given path name, and determine the feature set for the store.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the STORE_T record type.

Administrative and Query APIs

Administrative clients and content providers are expected to register content stores with the DBFS Content API. Additionally, administrative clients are expected to mount stores into the top-level namespace of their choice.

The registration and unregistration of a store is separated from the mount and unmount of a store because it is possible for the same store to be mounted multiple times at different mount points (and this is under client control).

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for the summary of DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT package methods.

This section covers the following topics:

Registering a Content Store

Procedure REGISTERSTORE() registers a new store backed by a provider that uses provider_package as the store service provider (conforming to the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_SPI package signature).

This method is designed for use by service providers after they have created a new store. Store names must be unique.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the REGISTERSTORE() method.

Unregistering a Content Store

Procedure UNREGISTERSTORE() unregisters a previously registered store, invalidating all mount points associated with it. Once unregistered, all access to the store and its mount points are not guaranteed to work, although a consistent read may provide a temporary illusion of continued access.

If the ignore_unknown argument is true, attempts to unregister unknown stores do not raise an exception.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the UNREGISTERSTORE() method.

Mounting a Registered Store

Procedure MOUNTSTORE() mounts a registered store and binds it to the mount point.

Once mounted, access to path names of the form /store_mount/xyz is redirected to store_name and its content provider.

Store mount points must be unique, and a syntactically valid path name component (that is, a name_t with no embedded /).

If a mount point is not specified (that is, is null), the DBFS Content API attempts to use the store name itself as the mount point name (subject to the uniqueness and syntactic constraints).

A special empty mount point is available for single stores, that is, a scenario where the DBFS Content API manages a single back-end store. In such cases, the client can directly deal with full path names of the form /xyz because there is no ambiguity in how to redirect these accesses.

The same store can be mounted multiple times, obviously at different mount points.

Mount properties can be used to specify the DBFS Content API execution environment, that is, default values of the principal, owner, ACL, and asof, for a particular mount point. Mount properties can also be used to specify a read-only store.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the MOUNTSTORE() method.

Unmounting a Previously Mounted Store

Procedure UNMOUNTSTORE() unmounts a previously mounted store, either by name or by mount point. Single stores can be unmounted only by store name because they have no mount points. Attempting to unmount a store by name unmounts all mount points associated with the store.

Once unmounted, all access to the store or mount-point is not guaranteed to work although a consistent read may provide a temporary illusion of continued access. If the ignore_unknown argument is true, attempts to unregister unknown stores or mounts does not raise an exception.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the UNMOUNTSTORE method.

Listing all Available Stores and Their Features

Function LISTSTORES() lists all the available stores. The store_mount field of the returned records is set to null because mount points are separate from stores themselves

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the LISTSTORES Function.

Listing all Available Mount Points

Function LISTMOUNTS() lists all available mount points, their backing stores, and the store features. A single mount results in a single returned row, with its store_mount field set to null.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the LISTMOUNTS() method.

Looking Up Specific Stores and Their Features

The GETSTOREBYXXX() and GETFEATUREBYXXX() functions look up the path name, store name, or mount point of the store.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Space Usage

Clients can query file system space usage statistics using the SPACEUSAGE() method. Providers are expected to support this method for their stores and to make a best effort determination of space usage, especially if the store consists of multiple tables, indexes, LOBs, and so on

  • blksize is the natural tablespace block size that holds the store; if multiple tablespaces with different block sizes are used, any valid block size is acceptable.

  • tbytes is the total size of the store in bytes, and fbytes is the free or unused size of the store in bytes. These values are computed over all segments that comprise the store.

  • nfile, ndir, nlink, and nref count the number of currently available files, directories, links, and references in the store.

Database objects can grow dynamically. Therefore, it is not easy to estimate the division between free space and used space.

A space usage query on the top level root directory returns a combined summary of the space usage of all available distinct stores under it. If the same store is mounted multiple times, it is counted only once.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the SPACEUSAGE() method.

DBFS Content API Session Defaults

Normal client access to the DBFS Content API executes with an implicit context that consists of:

  • The principal invoking the current operation

  • The owner for all new elements created (implicitly or explicitly) by the current operation

  • The ACL for all new elements created (implicitly or explicitly) by the current operation

  • The ASOF timestamp at which the underlying read-only operation (or its read-only sub-components) execute

All of this information can be passed in explicitly through arguments to the various DBFS Content API method calls, allowing the client fine-grained control over individual operations.

The DBFS Content API also allows clients to set session duration defaults for the context that are automatically inherited by all operations for which the defaults are not explicitly overridden.

All of the context defaults start out as null and can be cleared by setting them to null.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Interface Versioning

To allow for the DBFS Content API itself to evolve, an internal numeric API version increases with each change to the public API.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the GETVERSION() method.

DBFS Content API Notes on Path Names

Clients of the DBFS Content API refer to store items through absolute path names. These path names may be full (a single string of the form /mount_point/pathname), or store-qualified (a tuple of the form (store_name, pathname), where the path name is rooted within the store namespace).

Clients may use either naming scheme as it suits them, and can use both naming methods within their programs.

If path names are returned by DBFS Content API calls, the exact values being returned depend on the naming scheme used by the client in the call. For example, a listing or search on a fully qualified directory name returns items with their fully qualified path names, while a listing or search on a store-qualified directory name returns items whose path names are store-specific, and the store-qualification is implied.

The implementation of the DBFS Content API internally manages the normalization and inter-conversion between these two naming schemes.

DBFS Content API Creation Operations

The provider SPI must be implemented in such a way that when clients invoke the DBFS Content API, it causes the SPI to create directory, file, link, and reference elements (subject to store feature support).

All of the creation methods require a valid path name and can optionally specify properties to be associated with the path name as it is created. It is also possible for clients to fetch back item properties after the creation completes, so that automatically generated properties, such as std_creation_time, are immediately available to clients. The exact set of properties fetched back is controlled by the various prop_xxx bit masks in prop_flags.

Links and references require an additional path name to associate with the primary path name. File path names can optionally specify a BLOB value to initially populate the underlying file content, and the provided BLOB may be any valid LOB, either temporary or permanent. On creation, the underlying LOB is returned to the client if prop_data is specified in prop_flags.

Non-directory path names require that their parent directory be created first. Directory path names themselves can be recursively created. This means that the path name hierarchy leading up to a directory can be created in one call.

Attempts to create paths that already exist produce an error, except for path names that are soft-deleted. In these cases, the soft-deleted item is implicitly purged, and the new item creation is attempted.

Stores and their providers that support contentID-based access accept an explicit store name and a NULL path to create a new content element. The contentID generated for this element is available by means of the OPT_CONTENT_ID property (see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Optional Properties). The PROP_OPT property in the prop_flags parameter automatically implies contentID-based creation.

The newly created element may also have an internally generated path name if the FEATURE_LAZY_PATH property is not supported and this path is available by way of the STD_CANONICAL_PATH property (see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Standard Properties).

Only file elements are candidates for contentID-based access.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT() methods

DBFS Content API Deletion Operations

The provider SPI must be implemented in such a way that when clients invoke the DBFS Content API, it causes the SPI to delete directory, file, link, and reference elements (subject to store feature support).

By default, the deletions are permanent, and remove successfully deleted items on transaction commit. However, repositories may also support soft-delete features. If requested by the client, soft-deleted items are retained by the store. They are not, however, typically visible in normal listings or searches. Soft-deleted items may be restored or explicitly purged.

Directory path names may be recursively deleted; the path name hierarchy below a directory may be deleted in one call. Non-recursive deletions can be performed only on empty directories. Recursive soft-deletions apply the soft-delete to all of the items being deleted.

Individual path names or all soft-deleted path names under a directory may be restored or purged using the RESTOREXXX() and PURGEXXX() methods.

Providers that support filtering can use the provider filter to identify subsets of items to delete; this makes most sense for bulk operations such as deleteDirectory(), RESTOREALL(), and PURGEALL(), but all of the deletion-related operations accept a filter argument.

Stores and their providers that support contentID-based access can also allow deleting file items by specifying their contentID.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT() methods

DBFS Content API Path Get and Put Operations

Existing path items may be queried or updated by simple GETXXX() and PUTXXX() methods.

All path names allow their metadata to be read and modified. On completion of the call, the client can request that specific properties be fetched through prop_flags.

File path names allow their data to be read and modified. On completion of the call, the client can request a new BLOB locator through the prop_data bit masks in prop_flags; these may be used to continue data access.

Files can also be read and written without using BLOB locators, by explicitly specifying logical offsets, buffer amounts, and a suitably sized buffer.

Update accesses must specify the forUpdate flag. Access to link path names may be implicitly and internally dereferenced by stores, subject to feature support, if the deref flag is specified. Oracle does not recommend this practice because symbolic links are not guaranteed to resolve.

The read method GETPATH() where forUpdate is false accepts a valid asof timestamp parameter that can be used by stores to implement flashback-style queries.

Mutating versions of the GETPATH() and the PUTPATH() methods do not support asof modes of operation.

The DBFS Content API does not have an explicit COPY() operation because a copy is easily implemented as a combination of a GETPATH() followed by a CREATEXXX() with appropriate data or metadata transfer across the calls. This allows copies across stores, while an internalized copy operation cannot provide this facility.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Rename and Move Operations

Path names can be renamed or moved, possibly across directory hierarchies and mount points, but only within the same store.

Non-directory path names previously accessible by oldPath can be renamed as a single item subsequently accessible by newPath, assuming that newPath does not exist.

If newPath exists and is not a directory, the rename implicitly deletes the existing item before renaming oldPath. If newPath exists and is a directory, oldPath is moved into the target directory.

Directory path names previously accessible by oldPath can be renamed by moving the directory and all of its children to newPath (if it does not exist) or as children of newPath (if it exists and is a directory).

Because the semantics of rename and move is complex with respect to non-existent or existent and non-directory or directory targets, clients may choose to implement complex rename and move operations as sequences of simpler moves or copies.

Stores and their providers that support contentID-based access and lazy path name binding also support the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference SETPATH procedure that associates an existing contentID with a new "path".

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.RENAMEPATH() methods.

Directory Listings

  • A list_item_t is a tuple of path name, component name, and type representing a single element in a directory listing.

  • A path_item_t is a tuple describing a store, mount qualified path in a content store, with all standard and optional properties associated with it.

  • A prop_item_t is a tuple describing a store, mount qualified path in a content store, with all user-defined properties associated with it, expanded out into individual tuples of name, value, and type.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of data structures.

DBFS Content API Directory Navigation and Search

Clients of the DBFS Content API can list or search the contents of directory path names, with these optional modes:

  • searching recursively in sub-directories

  • seeing soft-deleted items

  • using flashback asof a provided timestamp

  • filtering items in and out within the store based on list or search predicates.

The DBFS Content API currently only returns list items; clients explicitly use one of the getPath() methods to access the properties or content associated with an item, as appropriate.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Locking Operations

Clients of the DBFS Content API can apply user-level locks to any valid path name, subject to store feature support, associate the lock with user data, and subsequently unlock these path names. The status of locked items is available through various optional properties.

If a store supports user-defined lock checking, it is responsible for ensuring that lock and unlock operations are performed in a consistent manner.

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Access Checks

Function CHECKACCESS() checks if a given path name (path, pathtype, store_name) can be manipulated by an operation, such as the various op_xxx opcodes) by principal, as described in "DBFS Content API Locking Operations"

This is a convenience function for the client; a store that supports access control still internally performs these checks to guarantee security.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Abstract Operations

All of the operations in the DBFS Content API are represented as abstract opcodes. Clients can use these opcodes to directly and explicitly invoke the CHECKACCESS() method which verifies if a particular operation can be invoked by a given principal on a particular path name.

An op_acl() is an implicit operation invoked during an op_create() or op_put() call, which specifies a std_acl property. The operation tests to see if the principal is allowed to set or change the ACL of a store item.

op_delete() represents the soft-deletion, purge, and restore operations.

The source and destination operations of a rename or move operation are separated, although stores are free to unify these opcodes and to also treat a rename as a combination of delete and create.

op_store is a catch-all category for miscellaneous store operations that do not fall under any of the other operational APIs.

See "DBFS Content API Access Checks" and Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Operation Codes.

DBFS Content API Path Normalization

Function NORMALIZEPATH() performs the following steps:

  1. Verifies that the path name is absolute (starts with a /).

  2. Collapses multiple consecutive /s into a single /.

  3. Strips trailing /s.

  4. Breaks store-specific normalized path names into two components: the parent path name and the trailing component name.

  5. Breaks fully qualified normalized path names into three components: store name, parent path name, and trailing component name.

Note that the root path / is special: its parent path name is also /, and its component name is null. In fully qualified mode, it has a null store name unless a singleton mount has been created, in which case the appropriate store name is returned.

The return value is always the completely normalized store-specific or fully qualified path name.

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.RENAMEPATH() methods.

DBFS Content API Statistics Support

DBFS Content API statistics are expensive to collect and maintain persistently. DBFS has support for buffering statistics in memory for a maximum of flush_time centiseconds or a maximum of flush_count operations, whichever limit is reached first), at which time the buffers are implicitly flushed to disk.

Clients can also explicitly invoke a flush using flushStats. An implicit flush also occurs when statistics collection is disabled.

setStats is used to enable and disable statistics collection; the client can optionally control the flush settings by specifying non-null values for the time and count parameters.

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

DBFS Content API Tracing Support

DBFS Content API tracing is a generic tracing facility that may be used by any DBFS Content API user (both clients and providers). The DBFS Content API dispatcher itself uses the tracing facility.

Trace information is written to the foreground trace file, with varying levels of detail as specified by the trace level arguments. The global trace level consists of two components: severity and detail. These can be thought of as additive bit masks.

The severity component allows the separation of top-level as compared to low-level tracing of different components, and allows the amount of tracing to be increased as needed. There are no semantics associated with different levels, and users are free to set the trace level at any severity they choose, although a good rule of thumb would be to use severity 1 for top-level API entry and exit traces, severity 2 for internal operations, and severity 3 or greater for very low-level traces.

The detail component controls how much additional information the trace reports with each trace record: timestamps, short-stack, and so on. Example 8-1 demonstrates how to enable tracing using the DBFS Content APIs.

Example 8-1 DBFS Content Tracing

function    getTrace
        return  integer;
    procedure   setTrace(
        trclvl      in              integer);
    function    traceEnabled(
        sev         in              integer)
        return  integer;
    procedure   trace(
        sev         in              integer,
        msg0        in              varchar2,
        msg1        in              varchar     default '',
        msg2        in              varchar     default '',
        msg3        in              varchar     default '',
        msg4        in              varchar     default '',
        msg5        in              varchar     default '',
        msg6        in              varchar     default '',
        msg7        in              varchar     default '',
        msg8        in              varchar     default '',
        msg9        in              varchar     default '',
        msg10       in              varchar     default '');

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods.

Resource and Property Views

The following views describe the structure and properties of Content API.