Installing Oracle Database Software

This section briefly describes the steps for a desktop-class installation. Most steps are common to all platforms and involve running Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). Platform-specific steps are noted. For further assistance, consult the online Help or the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.


The following steps describe the OUI workflow for a host computer that has no previous Oracle software installed. If your host computer has Oracle software installed, then you may see a different workflow.

To perform a basic installation:

  1. Log on to your computer as a member of the administrative group that is authorized to install Oracle Database software and to create and run the database.

    Refer to your operating system-specific documentation or contact your system administrator to determine whether you have the necessary privileges and permissions to install new software.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you are installing from distribution media, then insert the distribution media for the database into your computer.

      The Autorun feature opens the Select a Product to Install window automatically.

    • If you downloaded the installation software from the Oracle Web site, then follow the instructions on the site to run the Oracle Universal Installer. Or, see the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

  3. The first window that appears is the Configure Security Updates window. To receive notifications about security issues via e-mail, enter your e-mail address in the Email text field. To receive security updates from My Oracle Support, enter the e-mail address registered with My Oracle Support, select the I wish to receive security updates... option, and enter your My Oracle Support password.

    Click Next to continue.

    The Select Installation Option window appears.

  4. Choose the Create and configure a database option. Or, you also have the option of choosing to only install the database software, but then you must create a database in an additional step after the software is installed. If you are currently using a previous version of Oracle Database, choose Upgrade an existing database. After you have chosen an option, click Next.

    The System Class window appears.

  5. Choose Desktop Class.

    You can choose the Server Class option to customize your installation. For example, you use this method to configure Oracle Automatic Storage Management for your database, install the Sample Schemas, or configure automated backups. Selecting this option guides you through a series of installation steps that are not documented in this guide. For more information about the advanced choices, see "About Advanced Installation for Oracle Database". Also see Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

    Click Next.

    The Typical Install Configuration window appears.

  6. Provide the following configuration details for the database:
    • Oracle Base— The Oracle base directory helps to facilitate the organization of multiple Oracle software installations. See Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform for more information about ORACLE_BASE.

      If you did not set the ORACLE_BASE environment variable before starting OUI, then the Oracle base directory is created in an app/username/directory on the first existing and writable directory from /u01 through /u09 for UNIX and Linux systems, or on the disk drive with the most available space for Windows systems. If /u01 through /u09 does not exist on the UNIX or Linux system, then the default location is user_home_directory/app/username.

      You can click Browse to find the directory you want to act as the Oracle base directory.

    • Software Location—The software location is the Oracle home for your database. You must specify a new Oracle home directory for each new installation of Oracle Database software. By default, the Oracle home directory is a subdirectory of the Oracle base directory.

      You can click Browse to find the directory where you want to install the Oracle Database software.

    • Database File Location—The database file location is the location where Oracle Database files are stored. By default, this location is Oracle_base/oradata. You can click Browse to select a different location.

    • Database Edition—Select either Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, or Personal Edition (Microsoft Windows platforms only). See "Installation Type for Oracle Database".

    • Character Set—Choose the character set to use to store the data within the database. You can choose between the Default, which is based on the operating system language settings, or Unicode.

    • OSDBA Group (Linux and UNIX platforms only)—Specify the operating system DBA group. Host computer users in this group have administrative privileges on the database. This group is typically named dba. Refer to Oracle Database Installation Guide for Linux or for your UNIX platform for more details.

    • Global Database Name—Enter the fully qualified global database name. See "Database Identifiers for Oracle Database" for more about global database names.

    • Administrative Password—Specify the initial password for administrator accounts such as the SYS and SYSTEM accounts. If the password you choose is not a secure password, a warning message will be displayed.

    • Create as Container database: Enable this option to create the database as a multitenant container database (CDB) that can support zero, one, or many user-created pluggable databases (PDBs).

      If you want Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create a PDB when it creates the CDB, specify the PDB name in the Pluggable database name field.

    After you enter the required information, click Next.


    On Microsoft Windows operating systems only, the Specify Oracle Home User window appears. This window enables you to use a non-administrator, low privileged Windows User Account as the Oracle Home User. This option is recommended for database installation to ensure that Oracle services run with limited privileges. For single instance databases, you can also choose to allow the Oracle Installer to create a new Windows User Account (local user only) which will then be used as the Oracle Home User.

    If you decline this option, all the services will be installed and will run as the System user.

    See Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information about this feature.

    If Oracle software has not previously been installed on this server, then the Create Inventory window appears. If this is not the first installation attempt on this server, then the Perform Prerequisite Checks window appears.

  7. For first time installations on Linux and UNIX operating systems only, specify a directory for installation files and the name of an operating system group that has write permissions for that directory.

    If this is the first time you are installing any Oracle software on this computer, then the Create Inventory Directory window appears. You must specify a local directory for the inventory, which OUI uses to keep track of all Oracle software installed on the computer. This information is used while applying patches or upgrading an existing installation, and while deinstalling Oracle software. Note that this directory is different from the Oracle home directory. The recommended value for the inventory directory is Oracle_base/../oraInventory, or one level above the Oracle base directory, in the oraInventory subdirectory. If your Oracle base directory is /u01/app/oracle, then the Oracle inventory directory defaults to /u01/app/oraInventory.

    In this window you can also specify the operating system group that has write permissions on the inventory directory. This prevents other users from writing over the Oracle product installation files. Typically the oinstall group is selected.

    After you enter a directory path and specify an operating system group, click Next to continue.

    The Perform Prerequisite Checks window appears.

  8. If any checks failed, then take corrective actions.

    OUI performs several environment checks and indicates whether the check was a success, or resulted in a warning or failure. Details of the checks are provided in the displayed window. The installation can proceed only when all checks have a status of either Succeeded or Warning. If any of the environment checks failed, then they must be resolved manually. See "Checking Oracle Database Installation Prerequisites" for more information.

    If all the prerequisite checks passed, or after you click Next, the Summary window appears,

  9. Review the installation summary, then click Finish to start the installation.

    The Install window appears, showing the installation progress. After the installation phase, the Configuration Assistants window appears. This window lists the configuration assistants that are started automatically. If you chose to create a starter database, then DBCA starts automatically in a separate window.

    After database creation, a window is displayed that summarizes the database creation.

  10. (Optional) Click Password Management to unlock user accounts to make the accounts accessible to users.

    The SYS and SYSTEM accounts are unlocked by default.

  11. Click OK to continue the installation.
  12. For Linux and UNIX operating systems only, run the specified scripts, then click OK.

    In the Execute Configuration Scripts window, you are prompted to open a new terminal window, and to run scripts as the root user. After you run the scripts, return to this window and click OK.

  13. Make note of the information in the Finish window, then click Close to exit OUI.

    Your installation and database creation is now complete.

    You use Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) to perform common database administration tasks.

    Use the URL for EM Express that is provided in the Finish window to start EM Express, specifying your database hostname instead of 'localhost.' When EM Express prompts you for your username and password, log in as a user with DBA privilege (such as SYSTEM).


    By default, DBCA picks a free port from the 5500 to 5599 range to use as the EM Express port.

    If you want a particular port to be used as the EM Express port, specify that port using the DBEXPRESS_HTTPS_PORT operating system environment variable prior to starting OUI or DBCA.

    For more information on setting environment variables, see "Configuring the Operating System Environment Variables ."

    See Also: