About Advanced Installation for Oracle Database

During advanced installations using the Server Class method you are prompted to make the additional choices listed in this section, and the choices for a typical installation. The installation process provides default values for every choice.

This guide describes, but does not document, these additional advanced installation choices. For more information, see Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

  • Product Languages

    You choose which language the software should use after it is installed. You can select multiple languages. The default value is English. If you choose a value other than English, it does not change the language used by the installation.

  • Database Configuration Type

    You select a template to use when configuring the database. You can choose either General Purpose/Transaction Processing or Data Warehousing.

  • Database Configuration Options

    You can choose how to configure the database created by the installer. You can select the memory size and management options, the character sets used to store data, the security options for database access, and whether the sample schemas should be installed.

    To complete the exercises in this guide and related course material, you must install the sample schemas. This data is also used in most examples throughout Oracle Database documentation. Oracle recommends that you install the sample schemas.

    This choice is a configuration option only during advanced installation. Sample schemas are installed by default during typical or Desktop class installations.

  • Recovery Options

    You specify whether automated backups should be configured for the database. If you choose this option, you must specify whether the recovery area should be stored on the local file system or in an Oracle ASM disk group. You must also specify the operating system credentials the backup job uses when performing backups.


    To use Oracle ASM for recovery area storage, you must have installed Oracle ASM as part of an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation and created one or more disk groups before performing the Oracle Database installation.

  • Schema Passwords

    When you create a database, certain administrative user accounts are created automatically. You are prompted to enter the passwords for administrative accounts such as the SYS and SYSTEM accounts, which enable you to manage and administer the database. You can use the same password for each account, or specify passwords for each account individually. If you do not enter a secure password, you will receive a warning message during installation.

  • Operating System Groups

    Administrative access to the database is granted by membership in certain operating system groups. You can choose the operating system group to be used for SYSDBA access (typically dba) and SYSOPER access (typically oper).

    The SYSDBA group identifies operating system user accounts that have database administrative privileges and can log in with SYSDBA access. The SYSOPER group is an optional group for users that should have limited database administrative privileges. See "SYSDBA and SYSOPER System Privileges" for more information about these groups and privileges.