About Program Code Stored in the Database

Oracle Database offers the ability to store program code in the database. Developers write program code in PL/SQL or Java, and store the code in schema objects. You, as the DBA, can use SQL Developer to manage program code objects such as:

  • PL/SQL packages, procedures, functions, and triggers

  • Java source code (Java sources) and compiled Java classes

The actions that you can perform include creating, compiling, creating synonyms for, granting privileges on, and showing dependencies for these code objects. You can also edit and debug PL/SQL code objects using SQL Developer. You access administration pages for these objects by clicking links in the Programs section of the Schema subpage.

Note that creating and managing program code objects is primarily the responsibility of application developers. However, as a DBA you might have to assist in managing these objects. Your most frequent task for program code objects might be to revalidate (compile) them, because they can become invalidated if the schema objects on which they depend change or are deleted.


Other types of schema objects besides program code objects can become invalid. For example, if you delete a table, then any views that reference that table become invalid.

See Also: