2.1 What Is an Instance Administrator?

Instance administrators are responsible for managing an entire Oracle Application Express instance.

In Oracle Application Express, users log in to a shared work area called a workspace. These users are divided into three primary roles:

  • Developers create and edit applications.

  • Workspace administrators are developers who also perform administrator tasks specific to their workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files. See "Workspace and Application Administration".

  • Instance administrators are superusers that manage the entire hosted instance using the Oracle Application Express Administration Services application.


2.1.1 About the Instance Administration Home Page

The Instance Administration home page is the starting point for managing an entire Oracle Application Express instance.

Description of home_pg.gif follows
Description of the illustration home_pg.gif

Four icons display at the top of the page:

About the System Message Region

The System Message region display in the center of the page. Use this region to communicate with other users in the workspace. To add a system message, click the Edit System Message icon. See "Defining a System Message". About Instance Tasks

Description of hm_instance_tasks.gif follows
Description of the illustration hm_instance_tasks.gif

Use the Instance Tasks list to access the following tasks: About Workspace Tasks

Description of hm_wrkspc_tasks.gif follows
Description of the illustration hm_wrkspc_tasks.gif

Use the Workspace Tasks list to access the following tasks: About Language Selector

Displays the default language for this Oracle Application Express instance. Accessibility Mode

Select the accessibility mode for this instance. See "Appendix E: Accessibility in Oracle Application Express" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide, "Using Screen Reader Mode in Your Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide, "Using High Contrast Mode in Your Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

2.1.2 About the Manage Instance Page

Instance administrators use the Manage Instance page to configure an Oracle Application Express instance. This topic provides information about the links on this page.

About Instance Setting

Instance Settings contains the following links:

About Manage Shared Components

Manage Shared Components contains the following link:

About Manage Meta Data

Manage Meta Data contains the following links:

About Messages

Messages contains the following links:

About Manage Logs and Files

Manage Logs and Files contains the following links:

About Self Service Sign Up

Self Service Sign Up contains the following links:

2.1.3 About the Manage Workspaces Page

Instance administrators use the Manage Workspaces page to manage workspaces for an Oracle Application Express instance. This topic provides information about the links on this page.

About Workspace Actions

Manage Workspaces contains the following links:

About Workspace Reports

Use Workspace Reports to access the following links:

About Export Import

Use Export Import to access the following links:

About Manage Application

Use Manage Workspaces to access the following links: