F Oracle Multimedia Metadata XML Schemas

This appendix lists the file names of the XML schemas used by the metadata methods of the ORDImage object type. When Oracle Multimedia is installed, these schemas are registered as global XML schemas in Oracle Database with Oracle XML DB.

This appendix describes XML schemas that define the content models for EXIF, IPTC-IIM, and XMP metadata retrieved from images as well as for writing metadata to images. It also describes the XML schema that defines the content model for the object attributes of ORDImage.

Table F-1 lists the metadata XML schemas by .xsd file name, and includes a brief description and the namespace for each schema.

Table F-1 Metadata XML Schemas

Schema Name Description Namespace


Defines the content model for EXIF metadata retrieved from images.



Defines the content model for IPTC-IIM metadata retrieved from images.



Defines the content model for the object attributes of ORDImage.



Defines the content model for XMP metadata retrieved from images. It also defines the content model for writing metadata to images.


The latest versions of these schemas are available as files located in the ord/xml/xsd directory under <ORACLE_HOME>. To locate and examine the schemas, query the dictionary view ALL_XML_SCHEMAS. For additional information, read the documentation embedded within each schema file.

See Also: