Rule-Based Classification

Rule-based classification (sometimes called "simple classification") is the basic way of creating an Oracle Text classification application.

The basic steps for rule-based classification are as follows. Specific steps are explored in greater detail in the example.

  1. Create a table for the documents to be classified, and populate it.

  2. Create a rule table (also known as a category table). The rule table consists of categories that you name, such as "medicine" or "finance," and the rules that sort documents into those categories.

    These rules are actually queries. For example, you might define the "medicine" category as consisting of documents that include the words "hospital," "doctor," or "disease," so you would set up a rule of the form "hospital OR doctor OR disease." See "CTXRULE Parameters and Limitations" for information on which operators are allowed for queries.

  3. Create a CTXRULE index on the rule table.

  4. Classify the documents.