Creating CTXCAT Sub-indexes

An online auction site that must store item descriptions, prices and bid-close dates for ordered look-up provides a good example for creating a CTXCAT index.

Figure 3-3 Auction Table Schema and CTXCAT Index

Description of
Description of "Figure 3-3 Auction Table Schema and CTXCAT Index"

Figure 3-3 shows a table called AUCTION with the following schema:

create table auction(
item_id number,
title varchar2(100),
category_id number,
price number,
bid_close date);

To create your sub-indexes, create an index set to contain them:


Next, determine the structured queries your application is likely to enter. The CATSEARCH query operator takes a mandatory text clause and optional structured clause.

In our example, this means all queries include a clause for the title column which is the text column.

Assume that the structured clauses fall into the following categories:

Structured Clauses Sub-index Definition to Serve Query Category

'price < 200'

'price = 150'

'order by price'



'price = 100 order by bid_close'

'order by price, bid_close'

'price, bid_close'


Structured Query Clause Category A

The structured query clause contains an expression for only the price column as follows:

SELECT FROM auction WHERE CATSEARCH(title, 'camera', 'price < 200')> 0;
SELECT FROM auction WHERE CATSEARCH(title, 'camera', 'price = 150')> 0;
SELECT FROM auction WHERE CATSEARCH(title, 'camera', 'order by price')> 0;

These queries can be served using sub-index B, but for efficiency you can also create a sub-index only on price, which we call sub-index A:

ctx_ddl.add_index('auction_iset','price'); /* sub-index A */

Structured Query Clause Category B

The structured query clause includes an equivalence expression for price ordered by bid_close, and an expression for ordering by price and bid_close in that order:

   title, 'camera','price = 100 
   ORDER BY bid_close')> 0;
SELECT FROM auction 
   title, 'camera','order by price, bid_close')> 0;

These queries can be served with a sub-index defined as follows:

ctx_ddl.add_index('auction_iset','price, bid_close'); /* sub-index B */

Like a combined b-tree index, the column order you specify with CTX_DDL.ADD_INDEX affects the efficiency and viability of the index scan Oracle Text uses to serve specific queries. For example, if two structured columns p and q have a b-tree index specified as 'p,q', Oracle Text cannot scan this index to sort 'ORDER BY q,p'.