Other Query Features

In your query application, you can use other query features such as proximity searching. Table 4-1 lists some of these features.

Table 4-1 Other Oracle Text Query Features

Feature Description Implement With

Case Sensitive Searching

Enables you to search on words or phrases exactly as entered in the query. For example, a search on Roman returns documents that contain Roman and not roman.

BASIC_LEXER when you create the index

Base Letter Conversion

Queries words with or without diacritical marks such as tildes, accents, and umlauts. For example, with a Spanish base-letter index, a query of energía matches documents containing both energía and energia.

BASIC_LEXER when you create the index

Word Decompounding

(German and Dutch)

Enables searching on words that contain specified term as sub-composite.

BASIC_LEXER when you create the index

Alternate Spelling

(German, Dutch, and Swedish)

Searches on alternate spellings of words.

BASIC_LEXER when you create the index

Proximity Searching

Searches for words near one another.

NEAR operator when you enter the query


Searches for words with same root as specified term.

$ operator at when you enter the query

Fuzzy Searching

Searches for words that have similar spelling to specified term.

FUZZY operator when you enter the query

Query Explain Plan

Generates query parse information.

CTX_QUERY.EXPLAIN PL/SQL procedure after you index

Hierarchical Query Feedback

Generates broader term, narrower term and related term information for a query.

CTX_QUERY.HFEEDBACK PL/SQL procedure after you index.

Browse index

Browses the words around a seed word in the index.


Count hits

Counts the number of hits in a query.

CTX_QUERY.COUNT_HITS PL/SQL procedure after you index.

Stored Query Expression

Stores the text of a query expression for later reuse in another query.

CTX_QUERY.STORE_SQE PL/SQL procedure after you index.

Thesaural Queries

Uses a thesaurus to expand queries.

Thesaurus operators such as SYN and BT as well as the ABOUT operator.

Use CTX_THES package to maintain thesaurus.