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Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Concepts
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Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (
New Features
Part I Oracle Relational Data Structures
Introduction to Oracle Database
About Relational Databases
Database Management System (DBMS)
Relational Model
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Brief History of Oracle Database
Schema Objects
Data Access
Structured Query Language (SQL)
PL/SQL and Java
Transaction Management
Data Concurrency
Data Consistency
Oracle Database Architecture
Database and Instance
Database Storage Structures
Database Instance Structures
Application and Networking Architecture
Multitenant Architecture
Oracle Database Documentation Roadmap
Oracle Database Documentation: Basic Group
Oracle Database Documentation: Intermediate Group
Advanced Group
Tables and Table Clusters
Introduction to Schema Objects
Schema Object Types
Schema Object Storage
Schema Object Dependencies
SYS and SYSTEM Schemas
Sample Schemas
Overview of Tables
Example: CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE Statements
Oracle Data Types
Integrity Constraints
Table Storage
Overview of Table Clusters
Overview of Indexed Clusters
Overview of Hash Clusters
Overview of Attribute-Clustered Tables
Advantages of Attribute-Clustered Tables
Join Attribute Clustered Tables
I/O Reduction Using Zones
Attribute-Clustered Tables with Linear Ordering
Attribute-Clustered Tables with Interleaved Ordering
Overview of Temporary Tables
Temporary Table Creation
Segment Allocation in Temporary Tables
Overview of External Tables
External Table Creation
External Table Access Drivers
Overview of Object Tables
Indexes and Index-Organized Tables
Introduction to Indexes
Benefits of Indexes
Index Usability and Visibility
Keys and Columns
Composite Indexes
Unique and Nonunique Indexes
Types of Indexes
How the Database Maintains Indexes
Index Storage
Overview of B-Tree Indexes
Branch Blocks and Leaf Blocks
Index Scans
Reverse Key Indexes
Ascending and Descending Indexes
Index Compression
Overview of Bitmap Indexes
Example: Bitmap Indexes on a Single Table
Bitmap Join Indexes
Bitmap Storage Structure
Overview of Function-Based Indexes
Uses of Function-Based Indexes
Optimization with Function-Based Indexes
Overview of Application Domain Indexes
Overview of Index-Organized Tables
Index-Organized Table Characteristics
Index-Organized Tables with Row Overflow Area
Secondary Indexes on Index-Organized Tables
Partitions, Views, and Other Schema Objects
Overview of Partitions
Partition Characteristics
Partitioned Tables
Partitioned Indexes
Partial Indexes for Partitioned Tables
Partitioned Index-Organized Tables
Overview of Views
Characteristics of Views
Updatable Join Views
Object Views
Overview of Materialized Views
Characteristics of Materialized Views
Refresh Methods for Materialized Views
Query Rewrite
Overview of Sequences
Sequence Characteristics
Concurrent Access to Sequences
Overview of Dimensions
Hierarchical Structure of a Dimension
Creation of Dimensions
Overview of Synonyms
Data Integrity
Introduction to Data Integrity
Techniques for Guaranteeing Data Integrity
Advantages of Integrity Constraints
Types of Integrity Constraints
NOT NULL Integrity Constraints
Unique Constraints
Primary Key Constraints
Foreign Key Constraints
Check Constraints
States of Integrity Constraints
Checks for Modified and Existing Data
When the Database Checks Constraints for Validity
Examples of Constraint Checking
Data Dictionary and Dynamic Performance Views
Overview of the Data Dictionary
Contents of the Data Dictionary
Storage of the Data Dictionary
How Oracle Database Uses the Data Dictionary
Overview of the Dynamic Performance Views
Contents of the Dynamic Performance Views
Storage of the Dynamic Performance Views
Database Object Metadata
Part II Oracle Data Access
Introduction to SQL
SQL Data Access
SQL Standards
Overview of SQL Statements
Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements
Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements
Transaction Control Statements
Session Control Statements
System Control Statement
Embedded SQL Statements
Overview of the Optimizer
Use of the Optimizer
Optimizer Components
Access Paths
Optimizer Statistics
Optimizer Hints
Overview of SQL Processing
Stages of SQL Processing
Differences Between DML and DDL Processing
Server-Side Programming: PL/SQL and Java
Introduction to Server-Side Programming
Overview of PL/SQL
PL/SQL Subprograms
PL/SQL Packages
PL/SQL Anonymous Blocks
PL/SQL Language Constructs
PL/SQL Collections and Records
How PL/SQL Runs
Overview of Java in Oracle Database
Overview of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Java Programming Environment
Overview of Triggers
Advantages of Triggers
Types of Triggers
Timing for Triggers
Creation of Triggers
Execution of Triggers
Storage of Triggers
Part III Oracle Transaction Management
Data Concurrency and Consistency
Introduction to Data Concurrency and Consistency
Multiversion Read Consistency
Locking Mechanisms
ANSI/ISO Transaction Isolation Levels
Overview of Oracle Database Transaction Isolation Levels
Read Committed Isolation Level
Serializable Isolation Level
Read-Only Isolation Level
Overview of the Oracle Database Locking Mechanism
Summary of Locking Behavior
Use of Locks
Lock Modes
Lock Conversion and Escalation
Lock Duration
Locks and Deadlocks
Overview of Automatic Locks
DML Locks
DDL Locks
System Locks
Overview of Manual Data Locks
Overview of User-Defined Locks
Introduction to Transactions
Sample Transaction: Account Debit and Credit
Structure of a Transaction
Statement-Level Atomicity
System Change Numbers (SCNs)
Overview of Transaction Control
Transaction Names
Active Transactions
Rollback of Transactions
Commits of Transactions
Overview of Transaction Guard
Benefits of Transaction Guard
How Transaction Guard Works
Transaction Guard: Example
Overview of Application Continuity
Benefits of Application Continuity
Application Continuity Architecture
How Application Continuity Works
Overview of Autonomous Transactions
Overview of Distributed Transactions
Two-Phase Commit
In-Doubt Transactions
Part IV Oracle Database Storage Structures
Physical Storage Structures
Introduction to Physical Storage Structures
Mechanisms for Storing Database Files
Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM)
Oracle Managed Files and User-Managed Files
Overview of Data Files
Use of Data Files
Permanent and Temporary Data Files
Online and Offline Data Files
Data File Structure
Overview of Control Files
Use of Control Files
Multiple Control Files
Control File Structure
Overview of the Online Redo Log
Use of the Online Redo Log
How Oracle Database Writes to the Online Redo Log
Structure of the Online Redo Log
Logical Storage Structures
Introduction to Logical Storage Structures
Logical Storage Hierarchy
Logical Space Management
Overview of Data Blocks
Data Blocks and Operating System Blocks
Data Block Format
Data Block Compression
Space Management in Data Blocks
Overview of Index Blocks
Overview of Extents
Allocation of Extents
Deallocation of Extents
Storage Parameters for Extents
Overview of Segments
User Segments
Temporary Segments
Undo Segments
Segment Space and the High Water Mark
Overview of Tablespaces
Permanent Tablespaces
Temporary Tablespaces
Tablespace Modes
Tablespace File Size
Part V Oracle Instance Architecture
Oracle Database Instance
Introduction to the Oracle Database Instance
Database Instance Structure
Database Instance Configurations
Overview of Database Instance Startup and Shutdown
Overview of Instance and Database Startup
Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown
Overview of Checkpoints
Purpose of Checkpoints
When Oracle Database Initiates Checkpoints
Overview of Instance Recovery
Purpose of Instance Recovery
When Oracle Database Performs Instance Recovery
Importance of Checkpoints for Instance Recovery
Instance Recovery Phases
Overview of Parameter Files
Initialization Parameters
Server Parameter Files
Text Initialization Parameter Files
Modification of Initialization Parameter Values
Overview of Diagnostic Files
Automatic Diagnostic Repository
Alert Log
Trace Files
Diagnostic Dumps
Memory Architecture
Introduction to Oracle Database Memory Structures
Basic Memory Structures
Oracle Database Memory Management
Overview of the User Global Area
Overview of the Program Global Area (PGA)
Contents of the PGA
PGA Usage in Dedicated and Shared Server Modes
Overview of the System Global Area (SGA)
Database Buffer Cache
In-Memory Column Store
Redo Log Buffer
Shared Pool
Large Pool
Java Pool
Streams Pool
Fixed SGA
Overview of Software Code Areas
Process Architecture
Introduction to Processes
Types of Processes
Multiprocess and Multithreaded Oracle Database Systems
Overview of Client Processes
Client and Server Processes
Connections and Sessions
Database Operations
Overview of Server Processes
Dedicated Server Processes
Shared Server Processes
Overview of Background Processes
Mandatory Background Processes
Optional Background Processes
Slave Processes
Application and Networking Architecture
Overview of Oracle Application Architecture
Overview of Client/Server Architecture
Overview of Multitier Architecture
Overview of Grid Architecture
Overview of Global Data Services
Purpose of GDS
GDS Architecture
Overview of Oracle Networking Architecture
How Oracle Net Services Works
The Oracle Net Listener
Dedicated Server Architecture
Shared Server Architecture
Database Resident Connection Pooling
Overview of the Program Interface
Program Interface Structure
Program Interface Drivers
Communications Software for the Operating System
Part VI Multitenant Architecture
Introduction to the Multitenant Architecture
About the Multitenant Architecture
About Containers in a CDB
About User Interfaces for the Multitenant Architecture
Benefits of the Multitenant Architecture
Challenges for a Non-CDB Architecture
Benefits of the Multitenant Architecture for Database Consolidation
Benefits of the Multitenant Architecture for Manageability
Path to Database Consolidation
Creation of a CDB
Creation of a PDB
Multitenant Environment Documentation Roadmap
Overview of the Multitenant Architecture
Overview of Containers in a CDB
The Root
Data Dictionary Architecture in a CDB
Current Container
Cross-Container Operations
Overview of Services in a CDB
Service Creation in a CDB
Connections to Containers in a CDB
Overview of Commonality in a CDB
Overview of Common and Local Users in a CDB
Overview of Common and Local Roles in a CDB
Overview of Privilege and Role Grants in a CDB
Overview of Common Audit Configurations
Overview of Database Files in a CDB
Part VII Oracle Database Administration and Application Development
Topics for Database Administrators and Developers
Overview of Database Security
User Accounts
Database Authentication
Oracle Data Redaction
Data Access Monitoring
Overview of High Availability
High Availability and Unplanned Downtime
High Availability and Planned Downtime
Overview of Grid Computing
Database Server Grid
Oracle Flex Clusters
Database Storage Grid
Overview of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Data Warehousing and OLTP
Data Warehouse Architecture
Overview of Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)
Business Intelligence
Overview of Oracle Information Integration
Federated Access
Information Sharing
Concepts for Database Administrators
Duties of Database Administrators
Tools for Database Administrators
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Tools for Database Installation and Configuration
Tools for Oracle Net Configuration and Administration
Tools for Data Movement and Analysis
Topics for Database Administrators
Backup and Recovery
Memory Management
Resource Management and Task Scheduling
Performance and Tuning
Concepts for Database Developers
Duties of Database Developers
Tools for Database Developers
SQL Developer
Oracle Application Express
Oracle JDeveloper
Oracle JPublisher
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
Topics for Database Developers
Principles of Application Design and Tuning
Client-Side Database Programming
Globalization Support
Unstructured Data
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