Configuring Enterprise User Security for Password Authentication

By default, new enterprise domains are configured to accept all supported user authentication types (password, Kerberos, and SSL). If you want enterprise users to be authenticated by passwords, then you must configure that as described in the following tasks.

The configuration steps in this section assume the following:

To configure Enterprise User Security for password authentication, perform the following tasks:

Task 1: (Optional) Enable the Enterprise Domain to Accept Password Authentication

By default, OracleDefaultDomain is configured to accept password authentication. If this has been changed, then use Oracle Enterprise Manager to enable password authentication for OracleDefaultDomain using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, as an administrative user.

  2. To navigate to your database, select Databases from the Targets menu.

  3. Click the database name in the list that appears. The database page appears.

  4. Under the Administration menu, select Security, Enterprise User Security. The Oracle Internet Directory Login page appears.

  5. Enter the distinguished name (DN) of a directory user who can administer enterprise users in the User field. Enter the user password in the Password field. Click Login.

    The Enterprise User Security page appears.

  6. Click Manage Enterprise Domains.

    The Manage Enterprise Domains page appears. This page lists the enterprise domains in the identity management realm.

  7. Select OracleDefaultDomain. Click Configure.

    The Configure Domain page appears.

  8. Click the Configuration tab.

  9. Under User Authentication Types Accepted, select Password.

  10. Click OK.

Task 2: Connect as a Password-Authenticated Enterprise User

For an enterprise user whose directory login name is hscortea and whose password is Easy2rem, enter the following to connect to the database by using SQL*Plus:

SQL> connect hscortea@<Oracle Net Service Name>
Enter password:
/* Enter Easy2rem when prompted for the password*/

The database authenticates the enterprise user (hscortea) by verifying the username-password combination against the directory entry associated with this user. Then, it identifies the proper schema and retrieves the user's global roles. If successful, then the connection to the database is established.

If your connection succeeds, then the system responds Connected to:.... This is the confirmation message of a successful connect and setup. If an error message is displayed, then see "ORA-# Errors for Password-Authenticated Enterprise Users".

If you do connect successfully, then check that the appropriate global roles were retrieved from the directory, by entering the following at the SQL*Plus prompt:

select * from session_roles

If the global roles were not retrieved from the directory, then see "NO-GLOBAL-ROLES Checklist".

You have completed password-authenticated Enterprise User Security configuration.

See Also: